Main Attraction (Antisepticeye X Neko!Demon!Reader)

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Suggested by: SepticAshiplier.


After many years of being mocked and jeered on, you were sick of it. You hated all of the name calling and laughing, even when you tried your best, and did it. Someone would always be better than you. In other words, people were biased. Finally, you decided to do something about it.

You quietly knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open it. Finally, he did.

"Oh, hey, mutt," the great Antisepticeye snickered, looking at you.

Yes, you were called a half-breed. You hated it. A stupid demon taking care of you when you were smaller had gotten herself into trouble, and the people who she owed a debt to took you as payment. They experimented on you, doing weird crazy stuff to your body. And you ended up with cat ears, a tail, and glowing yellow cat eyes.

"You know that's not my name, Anti," you scowled, looking at the ground. Antisepticeye was one of the most fears demons you had ever known in your time. Other than Darkiplier, of course, but he was away on a... business... trip. He would be away for the rest of the month, but you needed help now.

"Yeah, but give me a reason to not call you that, mutt," the Irish demon smiled, and tried closing the door, but you stopped him with your foot.

"Please. I need to talk to you," you muttered, sighing internally.

"Why? Why should I waste my time with you?" he asked, smiling wickedly. No one took you seriously. Ever.

"Because you underestimate me," you growled, curling your clawed hands into fists. He just laughed.

"Maybe it's because it's hard to take you seriously with cat ears, sweetheart," he chuckled, leaning against his doorframe. "Now, get your foot out of my way and stop wasting my precious time."

"How about no?" You used all your strength to push the door back open, and Anti narrowed his eyes warningly.

"I'm not telling you again, (Y/N)," he growled while the green aura surrounding him glowed brighter. "Get out of my way, or I'll give all the other demons something to laugh about."

You were scared; you had to admit it. When one of the most powerful demons in Hell threatened you, you better take it seriously or may Satan have mercy on you. But you held your ground. You didn't know what possessed you to, but you kept your footing, pulling your clawed fingers into tight fists.

Anti gritted his teeth, then paused. And he smiled.

"Wow. Maybe you can be of some use then, mutt," he smirked, earning a surprised look from you. "After all, you seem to have somewhat of a gall."

"I don't know whether you mean that in a good way or a bad," you scowled darkly.

"Think both," he chuckled, and swung the door wide open. "Come on in. We'll talk, cat." Unsure of what else to do in the face of the closest thing to Death, you shuffled inside his house, and saw the living room.

It was quite luxurious, which was the opposite of what you were imagining. The furnishings looked expensive, and were probably stolen, at the least.

"Well? You gonna stand there and gawk, or are you gonna sit down?" Anti smirked, lounging on a single-seat chair. He draped one leg across one of the arms of the chair, looking more imposing- and important- than you could ever hope to achieve. You hurried to the love seat across from him, and decided to lean back, and not look as frightened as you felt on the inside.

"So? What's the plan, buttercup?" you asked, forcing the corners of your lips up in what you hoped looked like a confident, yet small, smile. Anti just scoffed, and showing his pearly white fangs.

"Plan? There's no plan. You get one chance to impress me, kitty, and that's tomorrow. I'm hosting a... little party, and there's some activities. You'll be able to prove your worth there, and I'll think about giving you a spot in my ranks." He grabbed a flyer from out of thin air, and handed it to you with a mocking flourish. "M'lady."

"Don't you dare," you scowled, which just made him chortle.

"I'll see you tomorrow, buttercup," he laughed, throwing your words right back at you as he pushed you outside and slammed the door in your face.

* The next day *

Fistfights, arguments, laughing, and drinking. That was what surrounded you the moment you stepped into the warehouse. What else were you expecting? These were the wildest demons Anti could invite, just for this one night.

"So, you did decide to come?" You looked around, and saw the green-haired demon, with his hands in his jean pockets and a tight black t-shirt on.

"And why wouldn't I?" you asked with a smile, walking closer to him. "This party seems, as you put it, right up my alley."

"Oh, sweetheart. You won't be joining this party," he cackled, pushing you towards a doorway in the back. "You'll be the main attraction."

"Wait, what do you-" But he was already gone, sucked up into the liveliness and the energy of the crowd of roaring demons. You gulped, and made your way through the doorway, wondering what you had just gotten yourself into.

The first thing you saw when you walked through the door was Anti once more, sitting on a red velvet throne and grinning wickedly.

"How about we get started early?" he asked the crowd, which was situated along the edges of what looked like a cage. They whooped and roared, looking at you like a predator would with prey. Waiting, until they could rip you into pieces.

Without another word, the Irish demon pulled at a lever beside him, and a metal door opened across what could only be called an arena, and another demon stepped out. He looked like a regular human, which was surprising considering that the only demons that looked relatively human were the ones that had mortal beings attached to them, but he didn't look familiar at all, unlike Anti or Dark.

The demon kept teleporting around, grinning at you sinisterly.

"So, do you still want to play, lass?" Anti smirked, looking down at you. You bared your teeth, and glared up at him.

"Bite me, Antiseptic-douche."

Jeers and laughs coursed around the room, yet Anti just grinned.

"Feisty, feisty," he giggled. "Enough chat. Let the games begin!"

Immediately, the demon lunged towards you, knocking you off balance and making you land on the ground. He smiled humourlessly.

"This is too easy," he scoffed.

"I hate it when people underestimate me," you muttered under your breath, and when he bent over to finish you off, you grabbed his neck and swung him to the side, now making him hit the rough ground, the breath having been knocked out of him. You wrapped your hands around his neck, and squeezed the life out of him.

There was nothing but silence after you killed him. Either fear or shock was the reason of that. No one knew what you could do. They always assumed you were the "mistake" of Hell. But you knew better. And you just proved it to them.

"It appears we do have a winner after all," Anti finally said, looking awed, his mouth hanging open in slight surprise. Smirking, you simply bowed mockingly, the way he did the day before.

"With pleasure," you replied. "Meet me in the back, and we'll talk about my... prize."

Anti looked angry when you ordered him around, and looked like he was about to spit something back at you, but then he closed his eyes, grinned, and spread his hands face-up, as if giving you the stage.

"As you wish."

And that was then you knew that you had the little demon wrapped around your finger.


Word count: 1297

This is for the lack of updates. My schedule is slowly getting together, but I need more time. There will be an update on Thursday though, so wait for that.

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