The Beast (Darkiplier X Dark!Powerful!Tiger Hybrid!Reader)

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Suggested by: AwsomeFuzionZGamer.


Midnight. Your time. It wasn't like you could hunt anytime else. Especially when you craved human meat.

"Why isn't this damn thing working?" a man's voice suddenly growled. Your ears perked up, and your lips drew back into a snarl as you prowled in the shadows so they wouldn't see you.

You were a mutant; a mistake of science. When scientists decided to stick tiger DNA into a human's, the genomes get screwed up, and what you get is a mess of claws, pointed ears, sharp teeth, a tail, and eyes that glow in the dark stuck to a human's body. Therefore, you were deemed an outcast to society; and there was no way you were going to end up in a circus freak show like so many other experiments that The Lab abandoned.

So you were stuck on the streets, and, becoming desperate, you've turned into something that could only be called feral. A monster, a beast, lurking in the shadows and creating paintings on the streets that were made of the rivers of blood that you let flow. No one could catch you.

"I think the engine's busted. We need to find help," another male voice said. "Out of all the places this hunk of junk had to break down, it had to be in a back alley. We're gonna get mugged."

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself, you pussy," the first man scoffed.

"What if The Beast finds us? I'm not going to see my wife and son again," the other man quivered. Was he referring to you? Is that what humans called you? No longer even part human, you were just a monster. But you were fine with that.

"You believe in that thing? It's probably as real as the Loch Ness monster. I'll call a tow truck, you get back in the car, if you're so scared," the first man sneered. You saw the second man- a small guy with a thin frame- step into the car on the passenger side, while the first man, a big burly man in his mid-forty's, grabbed his phone to dial a number.

But you were hungry. You weren't able to catch anyone in the past few days, and you needed food. So you crept up behind the big guy, and pounced, sinking your razor-sharp teeth into his spinal cortex. He fell limp immediately, and you rolled him over so he was facing upwards, and feasted on his innards.

When you were done with him, you looked into the car and saw the second man, who didn't notice the first guy gone. So you stepped back a bit, and jumped through the open window on the driver's side of the car. The man screamed as you bared your teeth at him. He opened the glove compartment and pulled out a gun, shooting you multiple times. But, as you could guess by his stance and the way his fingers trembled every time he pulled the trigger, he didn't know the first thing on how to remotely shoot a gun. All that he grazed was your shoulder, and the leather of the seat.

He died quickly as you bit his face off.

When you were done with him, you jumped out of the car gracefully, making sure you didn't step on any of the blood. People must have heard the gunshots, and you had left blood in the car when the man shot you. There was enough of your evidence here; no need for footprints so the police could follow you.

As you were carefully walking down the empty road, in the shadows once again, another man's voice spoke.

"What's a cute little thing like you doing out all alone in the middle of the night?" his low voice asked. "Haven't you seen the news? There's a murderer loose around these parts."

Another meal, you thought to yourself with a grin. So you jumped at him, your claws aiming for his throat. But like he was expecting it, he grabbed your wrists and threw you to the side, making you roll away.

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