Perfect Reasons (Markiplier)

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"Wanna go somewhere?" you asked your boyfriend, Mark.

"Uh... maybe later, (Y/N). I have to go somewhere with... Ethan, for a video," he said distractedly, looking at his phone. He typed something, chuckling to himself.

"Oh," you sighed disappointedly. "Well, tomorrow, then?"

"Uh huh," he nodded, striding past you. You stared at his back turning the corner, then you heard the door close. You huffed, playing with your hair, and fell on the couch, wondering what he was doing.

Why was he so distant lately? I mean, sure, couples aren't always so close, but... never this far.


You strode down the street, sobbing as rain soaked your clothes. There was lightning, then loud thunder.

You and your boyfriend had gotten into a big fight, he had started throwing punches... and you left. Now homeless, stuck in the rain and miserable, you roamed the streets looking for an open store to stay in until the rain let off.

"Here, have this," someone offered behind you. You jumped, looking up through the tears in your eyes. A man with raven black hair stood in front of you, holding an umbrella.

"N-no thanks. I'm fine," you croaked, stepping away from him.

"I insist," he said, putting it over you, but when he did, he suddenly became ever so closer to you.

"T-thank you," you shivered, the cold rain getting to you in the long night.

"And here, take this," he chuckled, taking his jacket off one sleeve at a time and draping it over your shoulders. "Where do you live?" he asked without waiting for another thank-you.

"Nowhere. I... was just going to a friend's house," you lied. You had just moved here with your boyfriend... ex-boyfriend, so you didn't have anywhere to stay.

"Then why don't you have a car in this weather?" he questioned. "No offense, but I think you're lying. Come with me, you can stay at my place for the night."

"I r-really c-couldn't, sir," you stuttered, pulling the jacket tighter over your body. It was warm, and smelled of cologne, with a hint of lavender.

"Nonsense. Come on, you'll catch a cold." And he gently took your arm, guiding you back to his house.

"Oh, and call me Mark."

End of Flashback

You had stayed with Mark since that pouring night, and you've loved each other ever since.

Did I do something wrong? He might be mad at me, you said in your head. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and you hurried to get it.

"Uh, hi. Who are you?" you asked quietly, seeing this black-haired chick in a crop top and a short skirt.

"Um, who are you?" she asked back with a sneer, looking you up and down.

"I asked first," you reminded politely.

"Mark said he was going to pick me up three minutes ago. Where is he? Are you his sister or something?" she asked, looking past you.

"No, he's out with Ethan," you answered bluntly. Her face scrunched up in anger.

"That ass! We were supposed to go on a date!" she growled. You blinked, then laughed nervously.

"Excuse me, date?"

"Yeah, date. D-A-T-E," she repeated slowly, as if you didn't speak English. "Something you'll never understand, obviously." You instantly felt self-conscious, and your glance flitted away.

"Why would he be going on a date with you? He's my boyfriend," you objected quietly.

"Sorry, what world are you living in? Why would he ever want to be your boyfriend?" she scoffed, rolling her eyes. A car pulled up to the driveway, Mar's car. He got out quickly.

"Hey, Ashlyn! I was just heading to y-" He stopped as he noticed you, his eyes widening.

"It's about time!" Ashlyn screeched, and got in the car. Mark didn't do anything, just stare at your tear-stained face. You just shrugged and closed the door.


After a few hours of crying in your room, the door opened.

"(Y/N), I can explain," Mark started, sitting beside you.

"Go away. I don't want to hear it," you sniffled, turning to face the wall.

"(Y/N), she was just-"

"Just what?" you asked bitterly. "A girl you saw that was hotter than me? Thanks, Mark. Your stuff's on the kitchen counter." He became silent, then whispered,

"She was Ethan's sister." (Pretend he has a sister that looks like that.)

"Wow. So you're dating your friend's sister while cheating on me? I've never heard anyone reach that low," you scowled.

"No, you don't understand. Ashlyn was Ethan's sister, and I was going to do a video with her and Ethan," he explained. His voice was soft and forced, like he was trying not to cry.

"She said you were going on a date!" you shouted, turning to him, making him fall back in shock.

"What? No, I promise, we weren't!" Mark exclaimed, looking horrified. "(Y/N), I love you! I would never!"

"Then why have you been so distant lately? You haven't been talking to me as much as you used to, Mark! The last time you came to bed while I was still awake was months ago!"

"(Y/N), YouTube's been an ass, I was a bit stressed because of the videos! That's all, I promise, I promi-"

"I don't believe you! Give me one reason why I should!" you snarled, wiping your blotchy cheeks.

"Ethan can vouch for me!" he shouted, getting up. "(Y/N), I wouldn't ever-"

"Ethan lies for his friends!" you shrieked, making him flinch back. "He'd do that for you! Just get out! GET OUT! I don't want to see you ever aga-" You were cut off by warm lips on yours. Mark's lips.

They were warm, wet with the tears streaking down his face. Loving. You found yourself calming down, and he wrapped his arms around you, keeping you close as if you would vanish if his grip was any looser. You knew this kiss was real, because you could feel it.

"That a good enough reason for you?" he whispered after pulling away.

"I... yeah. That'll do," you breathed, staring at his honey-coloured eyes, sparkling with tears still held in.

"I'll have to talk with Ethan about her. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," he smiled.

"Just don't do it again." You closed your eyes, leaning your head on his chest. You suddenly felt exhausted from all of the crying you did.

"Of course. I love you, (Y/N), only you, forever and always, until the rest of eternity," he muttered into your ear.

Yeah... that was a perfect reason.


This was bad. :/

Did you miss me?

Word count: 1086

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