Just A Game (Darkiplier)

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"Don't look at me like that, babe," Dark whispered into your ear, sending chills down your spine.

"How can I not look at you like this? You killed him!" you cried, backing away a bit.

"Of course I did, are you surprised? I'm better at this game than you think," he smirked, leaning back from the chair he was sitting on, right across from you.

"This is not a game, Dark!" you shouted, getting humiliated. You could feel the warmth spreading across your cheeks. "I thought I was supposed to be teaching you!"

"Of course it's a game, (Y/N)," he sighed, rolling his eyes. "You take everything too seriously."

"I-I... but Dark...!" you whined. "You did this to him! Look! He's just there now, watching us!"

"He's not alive," he stated blandly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" you snapped. "He's judging me! I let him die!"

"You were supposed to let him die."

"Not like this! He was so young! He had so much potential!" you wailed.

"(Y/N)... really?"

"I... ugh," you sighed, covering your face. "Fine, fine, fine!" You grabbed your queen and moved it two spaces up. "Checkmate." Dark chuckled.

"You are always the best at teaching me chess, (Y/N)," he joked. "Now, lighten up. It was only a pawn."

"Yeah, but that was Tiny Pawn Patrick! I drew a face on him, see?" You picked up the black pawn on the side of the chessboard and shoved it in Dark's face. You had painted a red smiley face on the black wood. "He was my favourite pawn! And you killed him!"

"I believe the correct term is "capture"," he pointed out. You harrumphed in frustration, and Dark laughed loudly. "Alright. One more game, and I'll go easy on you."

"I should be the one saying that to you," you grumbled under your breath, and started putting the chess pieces where they belonged on the board.


Word count: 320

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