Chapter 71 "An unexpected surprise"

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Terry was in taxi with Esther, they were going to the Waldorf Astoria. It was the hotel where Sandra was staying. The Waldorf was a luxury hotel. The reception hall was huge. Terry and Esther walked towards the elevators and they went up to Sandra and her friend's suite floor They knocked on the door of the suite.

Sandra heard the knock on the door and she immediately stood up. The last 30 minutes she had been waiting for Terry and Esther had seemed like an eternity for her. She ran to the door and opened it. She turned the knob and pull the door smiling. Terry was holding Esther by the hand and was in front of her smiling. She jumped to his neck with a lot of joy. Terry was a little surprised, but he was very happy to see her. He hugged her back. After a moment, she let go of him.

- Oh Terry! She said moved, I'm so happy to see you, Esther!

She took the little one in her arms and she hugged her hard against her.

- Hi Sandra, said Esther, looks like you're very happy.

- Yes, I'm very happy to see you both.

Terry got in and stopped when he saw Henry standing up. He has a weird sensation when he saw him. Henry smiled and approached him. Sandra introduced them.

- Henry, let me introduce you to Terry White and this is his little angel Esther... Terry, this is Henry...

Henry looked at the young man and his heart was filled with joy and undescribable love. He smiled. He hugged Terry, warmly.

- I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, said Terry, Sandra told me a lot about you!

Terry was smiling and he felt good with Henry...

- Hello Esther, said Henry smiling

- Hello, said Esther smiling

- Let's go sit in the living room,said Sandra, who was still carrying Esther

The sitting room in the suite had Louis XIV style furniture, which was beige.

- Thank you Jesus because I'm happy to see Sandra, said Esther

Sandra kissed her on the cheek.

- You had a work appointment? Said Terry, I thought you were on vacation.

- I am on holiday, said Sandra, it was a special case, I had to check miraculous healings.

- Miraculous?

- I'm sure you've seen a lot of those.

- Oh yes, said Terry, they're the best healings!

- Well, it was a little boy who had to leave the hospital because his mother couldn't pay for the expensive treatment any longer...

- That's Peter! Said Esther

- Yes, that's his name indeed, said Sandra, how do you know that?

- Because I went to see him yesterday in his room with daddy and I told him that Jesus could heal all sickness... and we prayed... And he came to tell us he was healed! Jesus healed him!

- That's wonderful indeed, said Sandra, I've seen a lot of healing cases in Africa and resurrections...

- Resurrections? Said Terry

- Yes, there was a couple who's baby died and they were upset and for some reason, they went to church with the corpse to frame the pastor for killing their child... But during the worship, the Pastor said: "The Holy Spirit is with us, even the dead will wake up!" And the dead baby woke up, to the parents ' big surprise, who confessed... God confused them! They brought the baby to the hospital for us to examine him and he was in perfect health.

- Incredible! Said Terry

- No, Jesus can do anything, said Esther, you remember Lazarus, daddy?

- I've see a lot of resurrections in Africa. Here we call it the "Lazarus syndrome", as a matter of fact.., said Sandra smiling to Esther, I often advise parents to pray.

- Me too, said Terry, it's always good to have positive thoughts, it makes all the difference...

- So Esther, you're the one preaching at the hospital? That's very good!

- I want to help people, said Esther smiling

- That's a real noble case for a little girl like you, said Henry smiling

- I thought you wanted to be a princess, said Sandra

- I'm already a princess, said Esther, right daddy?

- Yes, my princess, said Terry smiling

- And Sandra? Jesus woke up that dead baby, not the Lazarus thingy!

Everybody burst out laughing.

- I believe you, my pretty one, I believe you!

Sandra looked at them with love. She looked at Henry and Terry didn't miss that.

- Is everything all right Sandra? Asked Terry

- Yes Terry... Henry and I, we wanted to talk to you about something...

- Me too, I had something to tell you, but you go first, said Terry.

- I have a story to tell you, started Sandra, when I was a young girl, I was working as a maid for Henry's family.

- We met, said Henry and we started seeing each other in hiding

- Everything was fine until I got pregnant...and someone squealed on us.

- It was a scandal, said Henry, my parents separated us... they told me they had forced her to end the pregnancy.

- Only, it wasn't true, I had my baby and they took it from me...

- I found out the truth recently, said Henry, by my mother, who had had enough of seeing me regretting the child I should've had and argue with my father who wanted me to get married and start a family.

- So she did the "impossible" by admitting that she didn't kill my baby and by doing that, she gave Henry his family back.

- I contacted Lissa and we got back together and we're looking for our son...

- Lissa? Said Terry

- My name is Melissande Wainwrignt, I used the short name "Lissa", when I worked for Henry's family and when I left their family and they took my baby, I started my life over with a new name, in a way: "Sandra" is also short for Melissande.

- All right said Terry, did you find your son?

- The task was not easy; the child was sent to America years ago and the only lead we had was a gold chain with my family's coat of arms my mother had put on his neck, continued Henry.

- And a little car in rag on which she had brooded the name "Terry"...

Terry felt like he was missing air. He looked at Sandra and Henry. What was going on? There was a silence, the atmosphere was tense. Esther ended up breaking the silence.

- Terry? She said, like you daddy!

Terry looked at his little girl, stunned.

- Terrence is my middle name, said Henry

- Terry, said Sandra, do you have a gold chain with a gold medallion?

- My family's coat of arms are; two swords crossed and a knight mask in the middle, said Henry.

Terry was frozen on the spot. He couldn't understand what was going on.

- Sandra, what are you asking me?

- I'm asking you if you have a gold chain with a gold medallion... Terry? Are you all right?

- If you're asking me that, it means that you think I'm your son?

- Terrence, said Henry, you look like my father when he was younger... I've brought some pictures...

- And I've felt close to you since our first meeting, continued Sandra

- Daddy, said Esther, Sandra and Henry are your parents?

Terry took Esther in his arms and hugged her. She hugged him back and she had her little arms around his neck. She was looking for something and she got the gold chain out. Terry knew by heart what was on that medallion he's had ever since he was little. But looked like he was afraid to look and confirm that it was indeed Henry's family coat of arms. Sandra put her hand in front of her mouth and she has a shiver, she was seeing from where she was sitting that it was indeed the two swords crossed with a knight mask. Henry had a photo album which was on the table, he opened it and showed Terry the picture of his father when he was young...

- Oh my God! Said Terry

He had wondered why he was feeling so much love coming from Sandra, now he understood why...

- You... you're my... mother? He said moved to tears, you didn't abandon me?

- I didn't abandon you, I wanted to keep you.

Sandra was crying. Terry had always been a little angry with his birth mother for abandoning him on the doorstop of an orphanage. But he didn't know the whole story. So Sandra was really his mother, she hadn't abandoned him, her baby was taken from her by force. He was a desired baby, not the product of a rape or incest. It was a big relief for him and all the anger for his unknown mother, who had abandoned him flew away. Sandra whom he liked, without knowing why, ever since they met, now he understood it was the voice of the blood. His eyes crossed Sandra's who stood up. Terry did the same thing and they fell into each other's arms. Esther and Henry were looking at the scene moved. Henry stood up and walked to Esther.

- That means I;m your grandfather Esther, he said

- For real? She said smiling

She jumped to his neck/ Terry and Sandra finally let go of each other and Terry turned to Henry who gave Esther to Sandra and the two men looked at each other.

- I'm your father, said Henry

- Pleased to meet you, daddy, said Terry moved.

He hugged his father in his arms crying. Sandra hugged Esther in her arms.

- I'm your grandmother!

- Great! I have lots of grandmothers!

- Really?

- Yes, she said, counting on her little finger, grandma Eleonor, grandma Pony, grandma Maria, grandma Billie and now you! That's five!

Everybody burst out laughing. Terry who had let go of Henry said:

- I have lots of mommies indeed but I was missing a father...

He looked at Henry with love. He looked at Sandra.
- But it doesn't mean that I'm not happy you found me, he said smiling. It's great to finallyhave answers to all your questions!

They all sat down on the couch. Sandra still had Esther in her arms. Terry had the album and he was sitting between his parents. Henry was explaining the pictures.

Sandra was happy and then she thought about the duke's condition. But she chased it away , for the moment, she wanted to take advantage of her son's presence to the maximum. Henry also thought about the duke's condition... but he decided to think about it later. He had just found his son and he didn't want to ruin their brand new relationship.


Meanwhile at the hospital, Marlow went to see Candy.

- How are you princess?

- I'm fine, thank you

- Thanks for not pressing charges against my mother...

- She deserved it...

- I know. That's why I'm thanking you... She's sorry and happy the baby and you are fine.

- I doubt that...

- She didn't want to make you fall down the stairs, Candy.

- No, she just wanted to stop me from going back to my family! Without my father's bodyguards...

- I know Candy, I'm sorry. This whole situation got out of my hands... the blackmail, the pressure on you... I love you princess, all I wanted was to be with you.

- But you knew I loved another man...

- I thought the gratefulness you were feeling towards me would become love

- Even so... you forced me to separate from Esther!

- I didn't know she was your daughter

- You knew I loved her and you were jealous! She was a baby!

There was a knock on the door, and Robert Hathaway came in/ He was carrying a very big bouquet of flowers, multicolour roses for Candy.

- I see you're almost back on your feet!

- M. Hathaway! Said Candy smiling

- Hello, said Marlowe

- Marlow, I thought you were supposed to take care of Candy, said Hathaway with a reproaching tone

- I... it was an accident.

- She's pregnant! How did you not keep her save!

- M. Hathaway, said Marlowe looking down

- M. Hathaway,s aid Candy, it was an accident, it's not Marlowe's fault

- You were living with him, you were his responsibility! Said Hathaway angry

- M. Hathaway, I'm fine, the baby is fine.

- Thank God for you Marlowe! Said Hathaway, well, I came to see Candy, Princess, I'm working on a movie project

- A movie?

- I'm staying with Shakespeare... we're going to do "Hamlet" and I'm going to need you to play Ophelia...

- M. Hathaway, I'm very flattered, but I'm sure there are a lot of actressed who could play that role...

- But I want you for that role, Princess, said Hathaway.

- For the moment, I want to have my baby and take care of Esther, whom I've missed to much and my husband...

Marlowe's heart hurt, hearing Candy calling Terry "her husband"...

- The shooting won't start until next year, said Hathaway, so you have time to give me your answer. Think about it... with your talent, the Academy is going to notice you.

- All right M. Hathaway, I'm not saying no and I'm not saying yes either...

- Thank you Princess, said Hathaway smiling.

Eleonor Baker and the duke arrived in the room. The bodyguards stayed outside.

- Robert Hathaway? You came to see my daughter to harass her to get back to work?

- Eleonor? Said Hathaway, smiling. It's always a pleasure to see you and you're always more beautiful each time...

- Smooth talker! Said Eleonor laughing

- I'd like to talk business with you...

- I'm not going back to the theatre for you Robert

- I know, that's why I'm going to do a movie...

- Really?

They went talking in the hallway, the duke approached Candy.

- Where's Esther?

- She's with Terry,.. I'm going to call them to see where they are.

She took her phone to call Terry. It was ringing, but nobody was answering.


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