Chapter 23"On the wrong foot..."

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Candy had horse riding after school in college and she loved it. She would ride for hours and feel good. She also liked the costume; the black trousers, the red jacket and the little cap on her thick hair held in a pony tail. She was getting good at jumping those hurdles and the thrill was priceless. She had just put the horse back in the barn and she went to climb a tree. She liked being up there and look at the students; she had binoculars. It's amazing what you can see given the power. That's probably how God feels, looking down on us little creatures.


Terry's first day at school was fine. He just needed to get used to that damn British accent! Only every teacher had their own accent, depending where they come from. Terry was wondering if his ears were working fine, or if it was just him. Is that teacher saying "nane" instead of "nine"? And that "sex" instead of "six". He had to restrain himself not to laugh, every time he heard "sex" instead of "six". He was in the same class as Patrick, Allyson and Neil. This last one wasn't in class and Terry wondered if he was sick or something.

He was looking forward to going back to his room, so he could go on the internet and chat with his friends back in America; Jones, Brittany, Tammy and Nina in Australia. That was harder because of the time change, but they would email each other regularly. Patrick was a good friend to him. He had given him his notes from the time Terry wasn't there so he could catch up with the program. He was taking a walk in the little wood in the school property when he saw Neil with a mean smile.

- Well well well, Oliver Twist! You made through here! This is an unpleasant surprise!

- What do you want coward? Said Terry.

- I want to hurt you Oliver Twist, go back to America! We don't want you here...

- "We"? Said Terry, I only see your sorry face...

Two very big boys showed up from behind the bushes.

- This is what I meant by "we", said Neil.

- Right, you know you can't beat me so you brought some back up? You're a wuss!!

- Well Oliver Twist, the wuss is going to get your ass kicked today...back to America...

- Even though the fight is not going to be fair, I'm going to fight you with everything I got...

- Bring it on! Said Neil.

Terry put his books on the ground and was folding the sleeves of his shirt...

Candy who was on the tree listening in from the beginning, chose that moment to jump on the ground.

- Hey guys? She said smiling, what's up?

- Lady Candy! Said the two big guys smiling, what are you doing here?

- I was chilling on my tree when I heard you guys talking...

- Did we disrupt your sleep princess? Said one of the two guys named Vic.

- Indeed, said Candy, don't you guys have rugby practice right about now?

- Right, said the other one named Barry, let's go Vic.

- But guys, said Neil, we're not finished!

- I think you are, said Candy looking at Neil with mean eyes.

- You need your girlfriend to fight your battles for you Oliver Twist? Antonia's body isn't even cold yet!

Terry got very angry. How dared he talk about Antonia?

- I'm not his girlfriend, said Candy, just a girl from a noble family trying to keep the peace...

Some nuns were walking around with Eliza.

- Is everything all right, asked Sister Margaret?

- Everything is perfect, sister, Neil was just telling Terrence about the rules in the school, like how it's forbidden to fight? Said Candy.

Terry looked at Neil. He almost had him! He wanted to trap him into a fight so the sister would catch them. He bet that Vic and Barry had no idea, Neil had his sister coming with the nuns to catch them. Candy actually saved him...

- That's very good, Neil, said Sister Margaret continuing her way.

Neil was angry at Candy.

- You wanted to set me up, you creep! Said Terry walking to him.

- I'll get you next time Oliver Twist! Said Neil running way.

Candy and Terry looked at him running.

- He is a coward! Said Candy.

Terry turned to her.

- Why did you interfere? He asked her.

- Don't thank me or anything!

- For what?

- For saving your arse!!

- I don't need you saving my arse, like you so nicely put it!

- You're a lout!

- Do you know how humiliating it is to be saved by a girl?

- So this is a guy thing? You'd rather get caught fighting by the nuns?

- Just stay out of my life! He said upset.

- With pleasure! You ungrateful little fool!!!! Bye Sapphire Eyes!

- My name is Terry! Freckles.

- And my name is Candy!!!!

They both left on opposite side, angry at each other. They, saying their name showed that their initial connection was somewhat broken...

Terry felt so stupid! Neil had put him in a position where a girl had to save him... He was going to pay for that!!! He hated being in a position of weakness ! When he got to his dorm, he saw Neil with his friends.

- Hey, there's Oliver Twist! Who needs a girl like Lady Candy to save him!

Terry had had enough. His fight with Candy still fresh in his mind. He approached Neil and punched him on the nose. Neil fell against the wall screaming.

- What's the matter with you?! I'm going to report you! I have witnesses!

- Go to hell, Neil! Said Terry angry.

- You're going to pay for this!! Did you guys see that?

Neil's friend looked at Terry. Neil did say that Lady Candy protected him...

- We didn't see a thing, said one of his friend.

- Let's go study said the others...

- What the f...? Said Neil stunned, you all saw it!!!

They left Neil alone, bleeding.

- Come back here...! Guys!

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