Chapter 3

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First Order of Conflict

His face suddenly tightened up and his eyes began to glow a violet color. Your muscles suddenly went stiff and you couldn't move at all; you stayed quiet and prepared for the worst.

"I'm W.D Gaster a, the head of this science facility," he said roughly. "You will be working as my personal assistant and your pay will be more than fair. Mess this or anything up and you'll be relocated to another part of the lab with a smaller portion of pay.... Are we clear?"

All you could do was stare and comprehend what he just said; you suddenly felt your muscles relax as you were finally able to speak, gaster a eyes were now white again.

You gave your rare sincere smile without showing fear," Y-yes sir, I look forward to working with you," you said shakily.

Gaster had a stunned and confused look on his face as you moved your gloved hands signaling for him to go on. His face then turned into a scowl as he started to make those distorted sounds again,"[error](Y/N) right? Go get me some coffee [Error] NOW!" He yelled.

You hastily got up and ran out of the office and quickly closed the door behind you. You made it about five yards until you bumped into something small and soft. You started to fall onto the ground until some unseen force caught you; your muscles tightened once again and you were slowly brought to your feet.

"Woe, slow down buddy," a familiar deep and calm voice said," Now what got you all in a ruckus?" You now were able to stand and saw sans with a glowing blue right eye- which shifted back to two white dots.

"G-gaster asked for some coffee a-and I went to go get some for h-him," you said shakily.

Sans smile widened and motioned for you to follow him. You followed him for a couple of minutes as you pass five cubicles and went down into a small hallway leading to the employees lounge. There sans took you to a coffee maker and told you the exact ways gaster liked his coffee.

You thanked him as you both were heading back to his office," So, how did it go?" Sans asked casually," How did what go..?"

You gave a questioning look. "Your first impression on your boss," Sans said with a hint of irritation.

You bit your lip for a moment aand thought on what you're going to say," Well, *sigh*, he-" "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Sans implied. You made a weak smile as you came up to gasters office in stride," Thanks again for the help Sans," you said gladly.

"No problem," Sans features now became hard and stern," be careful now, I'll keep an eye socket out for ya but the rest is up to you."

"Yes sir- thank you," you said as you opened the door to gasters office.
"What took you so long?!," a booming deep voice shouted," S-sorry sir it won't h-happen again," you stuttered hesitantly; you quickly gave him his coffee as he snagged it from your gloved hands.

"It better not! So get out of my office and go find something else to do!!," gaster barked at you; tears were starting to develop in your eyes. He seemed to notice this and instantly stopped yelling at you in confusion. You quickly took this time to high-tale out of his office and ran into one of the many reserved labs around the office.

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now