Chapter 6

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              The Worry of it All...

You were in darkness, your body felt numb and heavy; you breathed out a little and inhaled slowly as if trying to relax. *Sigh*, you heard a muffled sigh, it seemed to be right next to you. "Entry [error] 5643, subject 1-AB/2 seems to be failing to interact with the fragment [error]." You felt a pang of sadness and anger, what was Gaster doing? You tried to crack open one eye, your left eye came open. There was nothing but white light, it hurt your eye; so you closed your eye once more. "[Error] the test subject is holding up irrelevantly; conclusion, the subject is a failure and a freak of nature. Entry out." You felt a tears run down your cheeks, then a swift wave of sleep again. This time you woke up in something soft and warm.

You opened both of your eyes this time to a soft blue, the sheets were white and puffy, which balanced the whole room out. You moved your head to the left looking around to see the room. It was just like your room; wait, where were you? The door to your left opened, Gaster came through with ease,"Ahh, [error] I see your awake."

You tried to sit up but a stinging pain shot up your back, you cringed. Gaster hastily went over to help you up," take it [error] easy, your soul and true core almost collapsed you know."

You put your hand to your head as the blood rushed down from your head," W-where am I?" You questioned. Gaster murmured something," You're at my estate (Y/N), [error] where else would you be? I don't [error] know where you live." You smiled and positioned yourself in a criss cross manner- gently throwing off your covers. "Well, just so you know, your room looks l-like mine," there was an awkward silence," Soooooo.." you said breaking the silence,"Can I go back to work?"

This was an innocent question; but in your mind it went south sadly, you weren't the best professional.

Gaster sighed and gave you a serious look," You'll be able to go back to work tomorrow, until then you're going to stay with me so I can monitor you." You gave a sarcastic look," With all due respect sir, but may I go home? I mean it's not fully 'normal' for a first day attendant to be at their bosses house."

Gaster smirked," And here we are miss (Y/N)...!" Gaster thought for a moment," Well, I suppose, but you have to call me if anything's wrong." You gave a crooked smile as this phrase due to how fast your mind went south again," Ok, yes sir." Gaster got out a small piece of torn paper and handed it to you; it had his number. His face was a little bit of violet, blush in other words.

"A-also!" Gaster said suddenly," will you g-give me the honor to escort y-you home?" By now you thought you're hearing things, your face turned a shade of light red," oh... sure."
You finally tried to stand up on the dark hardwood floor; you put your bare foot on the cold ground then your second. You then tried to put your weight on your feet as you pushed off the bed. Your legs failed, so you fell onto Gaster, he jumped in surprise as both of your faces were full of blush.

"S-sorry sir! It s-seems my legs have failed! Oh I'll g-get out of your way!" You stuttered. You tried to crawl away as you tried to get up; Gaster gave a soft childish smile as he walked over to you. He rolled up his grey sweater sleeves revealing that he was actually a skeleton, he then bent over and picked you up marriage style again. Your face was bright red at this point; Gaster then gave a stern look," Well [error] it seems that you can't even walk on your own two legs, do you mind telling me where you live? Be specific please, [error] I don't want to be led into a wall."

You thought for a moment," Well if there are look alike rooms then were probably in the same building I live in so... that means I live about in the fifth to last floor in room 402." You paused and gave a smile," Another victory for logic don't you agree?"

Gaster just stared at you, his arms going slightly weak due to surprise,*this young [error] woman, thinks like me... why the hell [error]. Am I falling in [error].*
You waved your hand in front of Gaster to snap him out of thought," Hey! Bone head!" You said in a loud exited tone. Gaster snapped back into reality and dropped you onto the ground. Before you were fully into the ground your body stiffened and a violet aura enclosed you.

You were lifted into Gasters' arms," Sorry [error], I got lost in thought[error]." The aura faded and you're full weight in his arms. Gasters eye was violet again; he still looked dazed.

You gave a worried look," Hey, you ok?" Gaster looked down at you," Yeah, Im [error] fine." *This woman [error], is remarkable, beautiful, and intelligent...*

Gaster carried you past his living room that was slightly darker than yours. He then went to his entrance and opens the door with 'the force.' The hallway was bright neutral green as Gaster walked over to the elevator and pressed the button. The doors opened and no one was there. Gaster walked through and pressed the button to the 19th floor; you gently placed your head on Gasters' chest. You closed your eyes and listens on his.... heart beat? You might have seemed to space out, because next thing your knew that you were in front of your apartment.

"Is this [error] it?" Gaster said with a slight exhausted grunt. "Y-yes," you said with a slight burn of blush across your cheeks. Gaster opened door: strange, you could have sworn you closed it- oh yeah, you ran out the door in a rush. As Gaster went through, he stopped to take in your apartment. You made a sincere smile," I-it's not much but....?" You shrugged as Gaster snapped back into existence," Where [error] is your room?" This was innocent question, but this time," Umm, it's up stairs and to the right.." Gaster moved out of nowhere and shuffled forward up the stairs.

Your bedroom door  was open as he enters with you in arms. He soothed over to your bed and carefully set you down on they open part of your bed. He walked around to your bed and plopped onto it. By now your eyes were closed and you had a small smile on your flushed face," T-thank you for (yawn) taking me to my apartment sir..." you felt a warm smile,"

With [error] pleasure." By now you're drifting away from consciousness. You remembered Gaster was here; you rose up from your tires form as Gaster was just sitting at the root at your bed starring off into the distance. You got up and tried to use your legs; you were now able to walk. You quickly looked at the clock as it was 9:00pm at night; you got up slowly and walked over to a small hidden pantry.

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now