Chapter 22

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  Papyrus looked like he was about to scream because, then again, who else had a horrible habit of drinking ketchup?

Well that was (F/N), they always have been drinking ketchup whenever you two met. Why is this so important to the story? Well, there was a knock at the door.

It burst open at top speed with your best friend in almost pure panic mode. "(Y/N) I CAME AS FAST AS I COULD!!! WHEN I HEARD THE BUILDING COLLAPSED I THOUGHT YOU DIED!!!"

(F/N) ran over to you and bear hugged you to death; while at the same time peering at the more than scared skeletons. "Oh, who are these lovely corpses?"

"Um... (F/N)?"
"Yes my dear?"
"Those are some of my good friends from work."

(F/N) stared at you with wonder and confusion. They took a large breath but then you stopped them," Why don't we save questions for later?"

"Ok," they pouted," but what caused the building to collapse anyways?" Sans got up from laying on the couch," *none of your business."

"Sans," you and Papyrus said in unison," *ok then I'll tell them." Sans sighed and looked dead in their eyes.

"*My father decided to re-make the core or soul extraction generator again."
There was a small pause," * which he obviously didn't do correctly... made the same damn mistake."

"Oh," said your friend," I'm sorry to hear that." (F/N) leaned in your shoulder and hugged you softly.

"And I'm sorry you lost your loved one too." They whispered into your ear.

(F/N) broke away and put on a jolly-ish smile," Aaaaaalllllrightt then! Since you sulky people are not going to do anything! We will now (like it or not) go to the fair!"

"The fair?" You asked in surprise," do we even have one here?"

(F/N) smiled in mischief,"Nope, but they have an arcade."
"Ok then, what do you think sans? Papyrus?"
"*i guess so."
"Sure! The great papyrus agrees!"
The TV turned on for no reason, there was a live picture of the fallen building. The rescue officers came out of a tunnel with five people. One of which being all to familiar; the other four being Asriel, Frisk, Toriel and another goat man.

At that moment you remembered the debris on your clothes and the brothers. You'll need to clean yourself up before you go anywhere.

"This just in Kirk," said the news lady," five monsters have been recovered from the debris. And are now in the process of being driven to the hospital."

"Why don't we take a small trip to the infirmary first?" You asked your friend," ok then, but only for a couple minutes."

You excused yourself quickly and took a quick shower dressed in new clothes. You came back to find Sans and Papyrus in clean attire. Without questioning it:

Your group and yourself started off for the hospital, only you and Sans stayed behind the chatty (F/N) and Papyrus.

Later ~ [Im so sorry]

You guys were at the side walk now, approaching the hospital doors. You entered first, Sans second, your friend third and Papyrus last.

They scattered off somewhere else to see a family member or so while you and Sans went straight for the elevator. The hospital lobby had a soft yellow tile and wicker white walls.

This made a comfortable atmosphere, but it was strangling for Sans. Floors passed swiftly in front of you and Sans, but not fast enough.

" D-do you think he's ok?" You asked almost choking on your words, Sans looked over," I'm quite sure, he's made it though this the first time... why not a second?"
" G-good," (Y/N) said shakily. Sans couldn't tell her/ them that Gaster might not make it. It would be to harsh, Sans slowly began to quietly weep, (Y/N) noticed this and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You want a piggy back ride? I know it's a bit out of the blue to ask this right now but you can rest if so." Sans looked up at her tears almost visible," sure." He lightly said.

You picked Sans up as the elevator stopped on the 26th floor. Sans was still soft as a pillow; the halls were covered with soft multicolor carpets. Walking down them silently, there was the room; 204. The door was open, you hesitantly walked in.

There was a large couch so you put Sans there leaving him to sleep: the bed looked vacant, but it wasn't. Someone was there, but they were incredibly weak and somehow incredibly frail.

You looked over the bed, tears began to well up in your eyes, this was him now.



Hay hay hay! My viewers!
How's the family with y'all? Good I hope, but here is a AWSOME thing. If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them, and maybe have a good conversation with you too. Besides that, have any future requests and situations? Just curious. And sorry, I'm not very familiar with New York's geography. Tune in next time!

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now