Chapter 26

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      You sat down at the large round table, only to be joined by Frisk, Asriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, and another short-haired human whom you didn't recognize.

"Oh hiya kiddo(s)?" Sans said in a surprised tone. "

Hiya sans! I'll be joining you guys for dinner!" You said excitingly.

"The Great Papyrus is delighted to have you for dinner!" You smiled sincerely.

"Who is she/they?!" A sudden voice interrupted," I don't recall meeting you around here."

Everyone looked to you right side, the bull-cut human was speaking in disgust. "Behave Chara, this is a guest." Toriel said as she walked into took out everyone's meal from the oven. 

"Guest or not they're taking up space that is still useable." Chara said with massive amounts of venom.

"Ch-chara, please stop." Asriel said in a concerted voice.

"Stop what Azzi?! Stop mocking our god-forsaken guest!"

Surprise was all you felt when Chara was cussing you out. *why?* you thought *oh, yah. He said something about that. I think, yah, something about Chara.* It wasn't even a minute before Chara was sent to their room and the 'family' ate in silence.

Toriel looked over to you in an exhausted smile," (Y/N)?"

"Yes 'mam?" You answered," can you take Frisk to school tomorrow?" You thought for a moment. "Sure,"

"Wonderful!" What was served was the scariest thing to ever eat. Papyrus came out with a large bowl of spaghetti.

Everyone at the table seemed to gulp in worry and look at you- in a panic. It smelled good, it made you want to eat it but knowing that everyone else was scared it was probably not good.

Sans was sitting next to you," kid, ok, just pretend to eat the spaghetti. I don't want you or anybody else to die eating this." Wow, a deadly bowl of spaghetti. 

Papyrus put two large spoon fills of the stuff on your plate. Everyone else decided to smile politely as you did the same.

"Oh Papyrus! This meal is to great to eat!" Toriel said happily," yes Papyrus! But as great as you!" You added.

Papyrus smiled," you're right! The Great Papyrus has also helped make another dish!" There was a small clutch in the atmosphere,"what may that be pap?" Asked sans.

"I'm glad you asked brother!" Papyrus said," Tiny Asgore helped me-The Great Papyrus- make some noodles. Asriel got off his seat and calmly got a large tray off of the counter with many bowls all different shapes and sizes.

The cinnamon roll started to give everyone their already cooked noodles. You got a pale cream red bowl with *insert favorite ramen flavor*. Your mouth by now probably had drool flowing out of it.

No one seemed to notice as you didn't hesitate to swallow the food in one gulp. Everyone looked at you in surprise as your soul didn't break.

"This is so good! *Slurp* Thanks Papyrus and Asriel." The group looked at their noodles, it had some vegetables, bread pieces, cut up apple, some chili, and fried noodles.

"The Great Papyrus is humbled by your compliment-" "and pleased with your evaluation and enjoyment of the meal." Asriel and Papyrus said in unison, they bowed too. By the time everyone took their first bite, you were done as you began to walk towards the sink.

"Y/N! Don't you want a second serving?" You stopped in your tracks and looked back at Asriel. "Yes ... please?" You said trying not to sound crazy. Everyone chuckled at this, you went for another serving.

Time skip:
[Brought to you by a naked skeleton.]

You and Frisk were washing dishes, almost all of them were done now. It had been mostly silent until you piped up to start a conversation," So, Frisk, did you enjoy the dinner?"

They nodded happily. Both of you continued to wash the dishes, they were done now; you then excused yourself from the household and walked down the street lamp lit side walk.

Looking at the time on your phone: 10:00pm. "I have time, why not go and visit my sweetie?" You said out loud. The winding sidewalks seemed to go on forever, the street lamps too, looked to be forever stuck in a solemn stance.

Until there came upon a large fifteen story building; the hospital seemed very peaceful.  It  was anything but peaceful; by the sixth floor  in passing, there were screams of patients broken limbs being set again. Finally reaching the floor, you quickly trudged over to Gasters room. You sat down at his bedside as stayed with him through the night. You could have sworn his hand moved to touch yours.


Ok! That took a while. Do any of you guys have an idea on what to do next? Let me know if so.
-Decaying Author

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