Chapter 16

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Gasters POV:

How do I put this? Am I mad? Am I surprised? Why does she- does she- make me feel this emotion?

"She needs answers," Sans replied," I [ERROR] know!"

There was a quick silence before Sans slightly snickered," You can't hide from this forever, try to at least chat with her a bit."

I contemplated for a moment letting these foreign emotions swirl around my mind like bitty flies.

"Goddamit! Why... these emotions." I almost collapsed onto the ground slightly as Sans slowly came over and smiled warmly," you'll get used to it... but at least try..."

I'm not ready for this... but.
I have to tell her... I have to in a way.
But... can I ever face her again?

*Oh boy, this has been going on for five months. At least you knew almost all the rooms in this building; you only occasionally saw your boss, you both managed to have a pleasant conversation at times.

In the spare time you had from helping Gaster you took another job at a cubicle and typed fictional stories, the top brass didn't mind as they were thinking of expanding from science articles to a combination of fantasy.

  But you made sure to type up some science stuff like monster anatomy, how they're produced and different types of monsters. This went on for so long and the only outings you had with him was your invitation, he rarely ever came.

You came up to Gasters' office one day, his coffee in one hand and your gloved hand reaching for the door in the other.

The door shot open in a frenzy as you fell back the coffee almost spilling over you," Hey! What's the-" you stopped mid sentence, there was your boss standing in front of you with a hard expression on his face.

"Oh, sir," you paused and tried to get off the ground," here's your coffee." Gaster just stared at you with a surprised expression; you handed him the coffee, he took it but put it on a nearby desk and studied you," (Y/N) are you alright?" You gave a confused look and tilted your head," of course sir, now excuse me I need to complete an assignment you've given me," Gaster lightly grabbed your forearm. " [error] would you disregard that assignment and follow me to a lab?"

You looked back in surprise and quietly nodded. You followed Gaster as he led you down three long hallways;and into a large grey room with lots of science equipment.

You stopped as Gaster went ahead of you with a small smile, you began to internally freak out as a small squeak came out our your mouth," are you alright? Is your soul about to shatter again, no wait I inst-" you took a deep breath in," No sir I just love becausesciencelabstheuarethebestandsofuntoworkin."

You said," ok if you say so." Gaster and you walked to the floor and gazed upon all of his work. You looked at the multiple charts in full interest and wonder,"What's the experiment on?" You said happily, Gaster had a soft smile," You want to know?" You nodded your head almost spastically but in a calm manner.

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now