Chapter 35

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Two Years Later...
   I straighten up my (h/c) hair and the (f/c) shirt I have on. My black skinny jeans and combat boots more crisp fitting than ever. The free fresh morning air fill my lungs as the traffic below quickly bustles through the streets. Finally I put on my one and only, something I've had for the past three years. A wicker white lab coat with the newest addition: the admin pendant.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a small kiss in my cheek.

"Morning Gaster," I hummed while leaning my head back and kissing him on the cheek. I looked at the clock: 5:46am.

"We should be leaving very soon, those documents and chemicals won't be documented themselves."

Gaster walked away and motioned to get my stuff. He's been acting more secretive lately, not to mention more grumpy. I can't figure out why. Oh well say la v. Its Thursday, not the brightest days of the week.

I grabbed my large bag and headed downstairs; Gaster was fumbling with keys and a small black box.

"Do you need help?" I asked walking in front of him to get the door. He moved to the side quickly and shoved the keys plus the box into his left lab coat pocket. In silence I locked the door and we both began the decent to the newly built company. The bustling streets seems to have a large amount determination today.

Each person passing by had such a confident look on their face. Mine just had very noticeable bags under my eyes and a low energy count. The bag I was carrying was filled with stacks of research and documented papers.

Each of those documents held one single answer, nothing at all. Besides that, we were coming up on the new company building. In stead of its old 100 floors, we have 120 and each one has a carbon fiber filling that keeps the building grounded when an experiment goes wrong. The tech in the lab is more advanced now, the government approved most of it and the best part it's luckily easy to use.

It was even engineered by monsters; I approached the large glass doors and opened one of them for Gaster. He walked through once again mumbling to himself about something. The attendant waved sarcastically towards us and pointed to the elevator with little gusto. Gaster and I walked through and punched the 67th button.

The elevator buzzed up the side of the building and almost abruptly stopped at the intended floor. We walked out swiftly and stopped at the end of the hallway. One path now diverging into two.

Gaster turned to me and kissed my forehead plus encased me in a hug. "See you this afternoon," I muffled through the hug.

Though in an instant he let go, he floated away like a ballon over to the large lab doors, this is going to be a long day. From there I scanned for my cubicle and booted up the computer. There wasn't a lot of assignments to write out.

So I just coasted through the hours making sure to look like I was working. The office is unusually quiet today, wonder what's happening.


Readers: F*ck you Decaying author! I waited almost two months for this crummy writing? Screw you!

Well I'm sorry, I've no excuse why this took so long. ;-; there will be one last chapter. Any of y'all' have ideas for the last chapter? *hugs*

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now