Chapter 32

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It's been hours, maybe more. We're still waiting... but they still haven't come out. What's happening again? Oh yes, my boss and sweetie is in surgery to stabilize his soul. I can't feel anything. No emotion or physical pain... I felt a tap on my shoulder.

It was the doctor," Why did you bring him here?" "What?"

The doctor snickered a bit. "There's nothing wrong with his soul, it's always like that. The soul is just really unstable."

I sighed and rubbed my temples," That's why there should be a stabilizer then."

The doctor shook their head lightly," we did put it in except the surgery is basically a walk out no recovery."

"But was it right to bring him here?" I almost spat.

The doctor tapped his clipboard with his pen. "Yes, just make sure he rests the next couple of days."

I nodded my head as the doors opened from the surgery room. Gaster looked a lot more alive.

Sighing with relief, I payed the bill and hightailed everyone out of there. Toriel, Asgore, and Sans knew he was ok and we just left it at that. We had to walk home which was not the best for someone just out of an operation but that's ok. We were already halfway to the apartments and the bustling streets of New York were pretty thinned.

"That was an unnecessary amount of conflict," I grumbled a bit," that's [error] true.... it's almost like [error] the author had nothing better to do."

I chuckled at the response a bit and wondered. * Didn't know? Geez... hopefully nothing else will happen.*

  We stopped by a small food stand," want anything?" I asked Gaster," yes, why [error] not?"

I went up to the stand and gave the clerk my cash and asked for some (fav food) and got some for Gaster too.

"Thanks." I said, the clerk grumbled in reply.

Giving some to Gaster we continued to walk down the somewhat empty streets. I fixed my (d/h/c) hair and opened the door for Gaster. He smiled lightly and walked through no problem.

We took the elevator up to my apartment, I opened the door again and we just plopped onto the couch.

"Whew, man, at least you're ok." I said while leaning on Gasters shoulder.

"At least [error]." He kissed my forehead. I moved a little. It closer to him and took in the warmth of his soul. Gaster leaned in too and moved me to sit a little bit more on his lap.

My face was a faded red now, his on the other hand was a really light purple. There was a blanket on the couch, so I grabbed it and pulled it over us. Gaster grabbed the tv remote on my coffee table and switched it on; we began to watch (movie or tv show). I soon dosed off and fell asleep to the soft beat of his soul.

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now