Chapter 20

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Dear Reader, this is just a quick authors note, thank you to LaneyDreamer204, they are the one who originally encouraged this story. Besides, if you guys find my grammar unbearable, it's being edited lol.
- Decaying Author

     I'm going to be gone for a while, not fully gone though... I'll be here and there with you, but there's not much I can really say. This experiment, its dangerous; but if it's successful- it will be a life changing innovation for man... and monster kind.
       -W.D. Gaster
      🖐 ☹️🏴✝️👈 ✡️🏴✝️ 

   Hot tears ran down your face as the note was slowly compressed in your hands. "N-no, not now.." you whimpered," I- I have to go now."

You got up, went to get your lab coat. And rushed out the door with file in hand ready to return to work.

Getting to the colossal building, you rushed into the elevator with great worry and smashed the button. The elevator couldn't go fast enough as five floors swiftly passed your view; then ten more, then more.

It seemed to go on forever until it stopped and opened. You walked out and quickly darted for Gasters office file in hand. *i don't expect to find him there... I just need to drop the file off before-*

His office was silent, dark more than usual; quite somber to begin with. Gaster wasn't there, you got out your phone and texted sans

To: Sans
From: (Y/N)

  Where's Gaster? Have you seen him?

Sending it, you dropped the file on the desk and awaited the answer from sans. Minutes passed by until the device rang;

To: (Y/N)
From: Sans

I shouldn't be telling you this... it might get your bones all rattled up. Heh.

He was typing again, the worry grew faster and deeper into your mind. The seconds seemed to feel like hours, don't know why you're still in the office but you stayed there.

To: (Y/N)
From: Sans

We're with him in the lab, if you want to see him- come to the back lab. He wants a word with you anyways.

To: Sans
From: (Y/N)

OK!! Be there in three minutes tops!

Not even a second after the text was sent you full on sprinted down the hall and towards the back lab door.

A flurry of questions raced through your mind: who else was there? Why was Gaster doing this? What is it's purpose? What did he mean by 'here and there?'

Finally reaching the door, it opened without hesitation. Sans was quickly motioning for you to come in; this was odd. You ran straight past the door and stopped to see a taller skeleton with a red scarf and a white lab coat on twittering with some buttons. Gaster was nowhere to be seen, adrenaline drained out of your body as exhaustion slipped in no faster.

Sans walked calmly beside you in a rather picturesque manner. "Didn't expect you to get here that fast, guess you really like him." Sans said in a clouded manner, blush erupted from your face," n-no, sh-shut up!" You pouted.

Sans chuckled and led you over to the taller skeleton,"Paps, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

The tall skeleton looked away from the buttons to face both of you," oh, who may this be brother?" The skeleton said in a high scratchy voice.

"This is one of our sort-of-recent workers. (Y/N), this is my brother Papyrus. Papyrus, this is (Y/N)." Sans said, a smirk slowly developing," I'm pretty sure now everyone knows each other in the room." Papyrus grimaced for a moment.

"That better have not been a pun sans, if so then I'll-" "you'll have to PUN-ish me!" Sans interrupted, he started to laugh a little hard on his joke. Papyrus on the other hand, was screaming his... bones off as a high pitched angry scream cut through the air.

He soon stopped and started to chase sans around the lab being more than careful not the knock over anything. You heard a dark distorted chuckle behind as beside a doorway. Only to see Gaster giving an amused smile as the brothers fought. He wasn't in his lab coat, Gaster had his sleeves rolled up revealing his boney arms. (Horrible pun I had to.)

You quietly snuck over to him and booped his nose. His eyes widening in surprise," so you do smile," you said happily," boop." Just after that, you retreated to Gasters side as some violet blush was visible on his face.

"What was that [error] for?" He asked slowly as he wrapped one of his arms around your waist. "Because you never smile."

"That's not t[error] e I smile," Gaster huffed," I guess so," you said some blush developing at the second. You leaned your head on gasters' shoulder," so what's this new experiment about?"

As soft of a question it was, Gaster hesitated a little bit," we were thinking of constructing another source of power for humans and monsters to use. Since I w[error] able to make the core without conseq[error] I thought we'd be able to make it more efficient than other things."

You nodded understandably and wrapped your arms around Gaster in a small hug. "Be careful then," you said in a sad childish tone.

The brothers soon quit fighting and went to get him, he walked past them as papyrus followed him. Sans stayed behind," keep him safe or prepare to be destroyed," sans snickered," same goes with paps, lay one wrong move on him and you're dead."

"O-ok," you said as some fear clipped your mind," can I join you guys?"


What do you think will happen next? Tune in next time to find out!
Check out my other stories too!
Like, comment, and vote if you think this is acceptable by your story standards! Bye!
I am editing this while waiting for my mom to finish talking to people in the store. I've been standing here for half an hour.
Djfnrskcbrbskfngmskdngbgnsjsjfjcbs help me.

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now