Chapter 29

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Stunned, I was sitting in a dark green cafe chair; Sans was sitting across from me with a tea kettle and cups too.

"Tea?" He asks calmly," uh y-yes please." I said finally finding my voice.

Sans poured some hot water into my cup and handed me the tea bag. I put it in as Sans did the same.

"So what was the purpose of this meeting?" I asked hesitantly.

Sans looked at me tiredly," Is Gaster ok?" he said almost intensely.

I though for a moment," the nurse said yes but I think he has a couple more screws loose in his mind."

Sans nodded for a moment and smiled," good to know he's ok." I put the tea bag out, (this was your favorite tea) and put (whatever you put in your tea) in it.

"Were you around when he woke up?" Sans asked quietly," yes, I was beside his hospital bed when he awoke. But Gaster was probably awake before then."

Sans chuckled," assuming he was awake before you knew he was, when do you think he awoke according to his state of awareness?"

I though for a moment while sipping my tea," well before I fell asleep- um- I could have sworn he shifted but that must mean he was awake or aware that we were there mentally breaking down in front of him."


"Gaster became conscious hours before we went to visit him." Sans sipped his tea and nodded in agreement. We were both quiet for a while, all around could be heard the French socializing and befriending.

   It began to worry me why he never said anything when he did awake. But I don't want to question him, last time I did be almost killed me...

"So," I started," why were you in my apartment?"

Sans looked up from siting he was reading, that wasn't there before...," well...".

I gave a crooked mischievous smile," ha! You have no reason!"

Sans began to stamper inaudibly. " it's ok as long as you didn't go through anything."

Sans eyes and face went dark and blue with embarrassment.

"What did you see?" I asked rising a  brow. Sans eyes went dark. "Sans?"

He froze," uhhhh."

"Tell me."

He continued to stamper," umm."

"I mean it." Sans took a large breath and snapped his fingers, only to have my laptop lightly land on the table in front of me. It had a small file icon; I dragged the mouse over my (insert your background) background and clicked on it. The picture icon opened, and I saw... well that's just it. What did I see?

"Use your imagination) is what I just saw. Surprise was on my face as Sans snapped his fingers again any my laptop presumably teleported back to my apartment. I twirled my (h/c) and (dyed h/c) hair. Sans didn't say anything for a while," how did that get on my laptop pray tell?"

Sans looked up at me as we were walking down the streets of Paris. "I've no clue... honest," he said. "If you say so," I lightly huffed.

We're approaching a market, the already dark grey stone became even blacker and more decayed. Each small tent or shop had fruits, vegetables, and small sweet snacks. We stayed for a while, but not much longer till the point Sans was on the verge of sleep. "We need to get back, I'm not buying a plane ticket," I said plainly,"ok." Sans said sleepily. He tugged my shirt and snapped his fingers, it was maybe three in the afternoon now.

We were in New York again. I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Sans. "Want to get the group together and get some ice cream?" Sans nodded. He teleported away soon. *well time to find Gaster now.* I though while looking at my apartment building.

I walked into the lobby, its onyx black floors echoing under my feet; the air conditioners somewhat screaming in my ear. I walked over to elevator and pressed the button for the twelfth floor, arriving there, I noticed that the area was merely as colorful as mine.

Opening Gasters door, I walked in to see him scurrying around the apartment in a frenzy.

"Yo! What's wrong?" I said to him, Gaster looked over to me in a somewhat scowl.

"W-what's wrong?! What[error] wrong is that I've lost all my data." Gaster began to ramble inaudibly about how he lost his bearings in the explosion, how his life work was gone.

I calmly walked up to him and grabbed him by his grey turtle neck collar and started to drag him off.

"Ok chill, if you're going act like this then I'll have no choice but to put you back in that coma."

He stopped for a moment and relaxed in my dragging grip. We were halfway out the door when Gaster began to ramble inaudibly and fight again. "NO[ERROR]!! I DON'T WANT TO [ERROR]!" I locked my jaw and spun him around so he could face me.

"To bad, it's not healthy to stay inside all day. We're going to get ice cream with the group."

We were in the elevator now, Gaster just tiredly glared at me. I didn't release my grip on his collar," no we're not going back, we are going to speak and be nice to them for once."

Gaster huffed as we walked out of the hotel lobby and to the shopping district.

We were almost there, I let go of his shirt and dropped my arm down. Next thing I know, my hand is being held and my face seems to be red as a cherry. A couple minutes passed while gazing over the sky high buildings and the busy street.

We were finally here... Sans, Toriel, Asgore, Frisk, Chara and some others were there too. We quickly let go of our hands and walked in unison to the group. The nice cream guy was eating there too, very, very, patiently.


Hi guys! So what did you see?? Comment and let me know!
-Decaying Author

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now