Chapter 5

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                Worry Grips My Soul

Gasters POV
Gaster was boiling mad when he found you and was just about to break your soul; well he was, until he came upon your distraught form and paused once again in confusion. *Why is she crying?*Gaster thought in concern~ What did I do to upset her? I just asked her for coffee... and then I yelled at her.*

His face softened a little as he  reculantly shuffled closer to you and put one of his hands on your shoulder. He felt you stiffen, everything seemed to stop in time as silence blanketed over them. *Why do humans have to be so sensitive?* Gaster thought. " Are you[error] alright?," he said in a frustrated tone."(Y/N), as your boss I demand you tell me what's wrong." There was something about this girl that made gaster mad as hell, but also at ease. This troubled him to his very core, but he ignored it. He only knew this girl for less than half an hour.

You felt his warm hand touch your shoulder, this time you uncurled a little and began to relax. "You c-can't just yell at your assistants like that...," you squeaked past tears," or they're just gonna quit because of a harsh and horrible work environment." You waited for a slap, your (E/C) eyes closed tightly and face stiff ready for the swift familiar sting. Still nothing. You cracked open one eye and completely relaxed your body and legs into a criss-cross pattern as you turned around to face gaster. He had a hard look on his face with a short hint of confusion. You were now both locked in a death stare with him; waiting for his next move your head twitched a bit which seemed to snap him out of his stare," I'm willing to work till dawn tomorrow and the rest of the week to make up the time wasted h-here now." Your tears were dry now as you gave a emotionless look to his dazzled face.

"Y-yes, you will be doing s-so," Gaster managed to stay. "Please [error] go to the day care center for a while to recuperate. I'll manage on my own till then," he said uncharacteristically soft. You opened your mouth to ask where it was but was interrupted," It's [error] on the 15th floor to your right." You gave a soft warm smile and slowly got up. Gaster reached out his hand for you to help him up; this is when you saw that there was a clean cut hole  in the center of his hand. You reached out your gloved hand and took Gasters, his grip was tight as you pulled him up you winced. You could feel your hands cracking under his grip as he finally looked  over you, your face showing pure agony and possible tears running down your face. Gaster seemed to notice your pain," Are you [error] alright?" He asked in a worried tone.

"I-I'm fine, i-it's nothing," you said coarsely.

Gaster took a full look at you and and gave a concerned look,"Miss (Y/N), please follow me to my private office immediately." 

You gave an innocent smile,"B-but sir, you wished for me to go to the day care, I'll p-proceed with that wish unless you would like me t-to disregard that order."

You then felt something in your core collapse and your hands break a little more under some unknown pressure; you almost collapsed on to the ground- but Gaster caught you quickly. "Well you obviously not 'alright' so I guess I'll carry you there then," Gaster sounded very worried but the way he worded it didn't sound so. He picked you up marriage style as you slowly drifted from conciseness; he opened the door with his free hand and quickly walked out. You managed to look around to see everyone in their stations starring at you, no Gaster.

*Why does this have to happen now? Of all days why now? My stupid injury to my soul... all because of that dammed accident!* You thought.

You were almost to his office until you saw sans just gazing at you with full surprise; your face turned a huge shade of red as Gaster and you finally got and went into his office. He slowly set you down on a long couch that you could've sworn wasn't there before. "Let me [error] see your hands," Gaster ordered automatically while putting something on. You managed all of your strength and pulled each of your leather gloves off, Gaster put them on the side pocket of your lab coat. He took one of your hands; they were pale white, with many open wounds oozing out blood. There was also some parts of skin looking withered away and some skin trying to desperately stay alive. "When did this [error] start?,"

Gaster said as he moved down to your stomach area. He looked at you looking for approval before he started to test your stomach area, you nodded quaintly as he began to roll up your blue t-shirt. He stopped right where your bra line began as you saw some of his face turn violet.  Gaster started to push lightly on your abdomen, his cold hands making you almost want to lurch in reaction. He finally reached your core; he pressed lightly on it, you felt the same collapsing pain as you suddenly curled up into a ball. Gaster made a serous look on his face,"(Y/N), when did this first start?" He asked sternly.

"A-a couple months ago when I was diagnosed with depression," you said weakly,"b- but it's ok, I'm fine. D-don't worry; I guess I'm a horrible intern. I got hurt o-on my first day."

You cracked a joyous smile, these weren't becoming rare anymore. Gaster made a grimace,"You [error] are one of the best interns I've had," he said in a empty tone, "because you didn't quit and you're pretty damn patient." That last phrase made you twitch in surprise as you drifted away into the realm of sleep; last thing you saw was a white blurry thing arising out of your chest as Gaster seemed to carefully grasp it.

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now