Chapter 31

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Yo! Thanks for the 1,000+ views! This is appreciated a lot! Now here's a special chapter from me :) ~
-Decaying author

  I woke up drowsily, my laptop long turned off and my back somewhat sore from slouching all night. I looked over to Gaster, he was barley waking up too.

"Morning," I said softly from the table, he shifted over to face me.

"Morning," I stretched a bit lied  face down on the table for a minute. Drowsily getting up, I walked to Gasters door," I'll be back I have to do some stuff."

"Mmok," he said- the couch muffling his voice. Walking down my floor now, a plump blond haired boy came running up to me.

"Hey miss?," he asked," what?"

The boy smiled," Why can't we trust atoms?"

I cracked a little smile," I don't know... how?"

Bending my knees  to his height. "They just make up everything."

I stifled a laugh," Nice joke."

I stood up again," Timmy! Who are you talking to?! Don't talk to strangers! Especially monsters."

A medium height brown haired woman came running up to the child. Her pearls dangling along her emerald green shirt and right above her dark blue jeans and sandals. She looked behind her son to glare at me in my very comfortable suit. "Oh, and you may be?" She asked half heartedly hiding the disgust with a smile.

"Uh... (Y/N)(L/N), you?" I shook her hand unknowingly," I am Helen Otis-"

Lol no TAKE TWO bip!!!

"I am Helen," said the woman," oh you must be my neighbors friend that they talk about a lot."

"I guess, what brings you here?" Helen seemed to think for a moment," one of my sons friends live here I was just picking him up."

I lightly waved," well I have to go, see you around I guess."

I said fixing my (h/c) hair. Helen waved goodbye and stormed off... why was she so mad? I got to my door and opened it with my key, she said earlier to her son. That not to talk to monsters, what a racist parent.

I dragged up to my bedroom and stripped. "Haven't taken a shower in a while." I grumbled.

The shower water was hot against my skin and even more on my hands. They were cracked again, but not as bad- the depression hasn't come back either. Good.

I got out after washing my hair and put on some fresh clothes: a (f/c) tank top, shorts, and my lab coat. I looked in the mirror fixing my dyed and normal (h/c) hair.

My phone began to ring on the bathroom counter, "I don't remember setting that there." I reached for it and picked up.

"Hello?" I said.

There was no answer," is anyone there?"

I said a little louder.

Finally, there was a cough and small chuckle," Sans?" There was another pause yet again.

"Maybeee, maybe not." This wasn't Sans, the voice was to deep... and soft and soothing~ what the hell?!God why these thoughts?

"What do you want Gaster?" Another chuckle," could you come down here again? I need some help with something."

I quietly sighed, man my boss is weird. "Ok, I'll be down in ten."

He hung up. I rubbed my temples and sat on the couch for a minute or so. "Well, at least I get to spend time with my sweetie." I got up slowly and made my way to Gasters apartment.

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now