Chapter 30

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Key: (f/ic)= favorite nice cream

You got your (f/ic) flavor and waited for everyone else, Toriel payed for all of the frozen treats while the skeleton-bros and you were sitting in some shade.

"So, G, you awoke... when?" Sans asked," I woke [error] up around the time (Y/N) fell asleep beside me."

Blush erupted from your face," y-you might be mistaking something," both of them chuckled lightly at your discomfort.

"Alright, alright, [error] didn't fall asleep... holding my [error] hand."

You set your nice cream down and covered your face so no one could see how cherry red it was.

"BROTHER! I have returned with our cold beverages!" It was papyrus.

You sighed in relief as you uncovered your face and went back to eating. Papyrus say best to you and smiled," so when will you all be back at work?"

Papyrus asked innocently. Shock and some disgust took over your mind, but kept a smile anyways," we're not sure Papyrus, but we'll discus it soon." You said semi-happily.

"Wonderful!" Papyrus jubilantly added.

Toriel soon came over with frisk, chara, and asgore.

The atmosphere seemed to lighten a lot," Lovely day outside isn't it?" Toriel said lightly, everyone nodded in unison.

You got up and threw away the nice cream and went back to sit next to Gaster on the ground . "So, how are you fairing Gaster?" Asked Toriel and Asgore.

"Pretty [error] well at the moment, [error] about everybody else?"

Frisk gave a thumbs up," We're both ok," Asriel said happily.

"Tori and I fine just still healing up the broken limbs, Chara here wasn't there during the explosion."

"I was! Just not in the immediate blast zone. I was still covered in debris." Chara spat.

"I guess so, what're we going to do about this situation?" You asked.

Chara glared at you and Toriels face became solemn. "Look what you did! You upset mom!" Chara growled with venom.

They soon began to prepare to claw at you but Toriel stopped them. "It's ok my child, I'm not upset. It's just it'll take a while to rebuild what we lost-."

"Because of him," Chara pointed at Gaster," because of him we lost everything we worked for. Not to mention making the same mistakes a second time!"

Gaster got an ashamed look on his face, a rather sad one too. Chara continued to rant in why this was Gasters fault.

Frisk tapped them on their shoulder and they calmed down enough to a low grumble. You looked at the time on your phone, it was 5:00pm. Tapping him on the shoulder, Gaster nodded and got up," th-thank you for the nice cream but we have to leave n-now."

Toriel smiled gleefully," your welcome, come and hang out with us any time. Have a great afternoon."

You and Gaster then set off to the apartments. The busy streets of New York were quite haunting at times... especially this one. "So... now that that is over, still want to try to retrieve the data?"

You held up a flash drive that was equivalent to a super computer. Gasters angry features loosened in a determined smile, he snapped his fingers and you and him were in his apartment. Your laptop and another computer was there," can you [error] help me then?"

You smiled a crooked smile fixing your (h/c) hair. "It would be a pleasure."

Gaster plugged in a data sharing cord to the laptops and you the flash drive. This was going to be a long night.

Five hours later...

The constant clicking and ticking of the computer keys were mind breaking. You struggled to stay up, but had to in order to dig through the files. Being tired at 10:00? This was never good, even your old wounds were beginning to somewhat open up; but it would be worth it.

   All that typing is beginning to make your dry skin crack.

To save the company, to keep the monsters in jobs, to keep from loosing your job. There seemed the be a halt of typing on the other half in front of you.

Stopping at a reasonable part of code and driving though files- Gaster was barely awake and was rubbing his temples. "You o-ok sir?"

Gaster looked over to you tiredly, the white dots in his eyes blurred even more than usual. "Ya[error] I'm going t[error] rest for a while, I suggest y[error] do the same." Gaster got up and went to lay down on the couch. "That's totally logical, what about your bed?"

You murmured to yourself. Soon enough you began to pry though files again over, and over, and over.

You found an audio log, plugging in your (brand name/ o headphones) you clicked play only to hear some static.

Then a deep familiar voice. "Log 3/582B subject 1-AB/2 has been getting close..." more static played," their soul is fine, and their hands are ok. But conflict has come up, I'm getting these feelings... I hate emotions."

The static quit. "Log 3/582C subject 1-AB/2 is starting to have large affects on me. I can't conceal these emotions anymore," more static-you checked to see in Gaster was still asleep.

Your heart raced when you couldn't see him, but he just had his lab coat off. The turtle neck Gaster always wore apparently blended into the couch. Drowsiness soon over took you as the last entry played. "I love her... so very much." No dream came but a warm feeling of comfort in the cruel world before you.

Hai guys! Sorry this took so long! *hugs virtually* so hope you guys liked this and see you next chapter. Byeeee!

To the one person this was originally written for.... hope you enjoy the story as everyone else.

- Decaying author

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now