Chapter 11

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Toriel led you into her office and closed the door behind you; the walls were purple bricks tattered with vines. "So what did you need to talk to me about?"

You said making a questioning gesture," it's.... about our royal scientist."

Toriel said in a worrying tone. "Um my boss? Yah, what about him?" You asked.

Toriel gave a stiff smile," He's been a little down lately, as when you came he seemed to loosen up a bit." You tilted your head a little, Toriel seemed to catch on that you're wondering if you're doing a bad thing.

"You're not doing anything bad my child," she said briskly," As a matter of fact you've done more than good. You may have just come here a day ago, but I've noticed he's been more patient."

You gave a smug smile,"I mean that he's slightly more patient and more aware than normal. Keep doing what you're doing, and you'll help him grow and seize rotten patterns."

You gave a warm smile of determination," I will mam."
Toriel clicked her tongue in approval," Now, you asked for some tea yes?"

Toriel went to one of the purple bricks and carefully pulled it out of the wall. It was a hidden box packed to the brim with tea. Toriel pulled out what seemed a full section of it and handed it to you in a huge box.

"There, now lets see those hands yours," Toriel said delicately as she led you to a small room with really soft lighting. You set down the tea box and sat on a chair to the desk. She sat at the other side gently taking your bandaged hands, they weren't gloved sadly. She undid that wrapping and looked at your still braking hands. All the wounds were covered up though, guess Gaster did an alright job. Toriel softly smiled," Our scientist did a good job, all I have to do is-" there was a small spark, a surprise flooded over Toriel.

"I see, your soul is almost broken, only you can resonate with someone important to you."

You blushed," yah, I guess so, my full apologies for wasting your time."

Toriel engulfed you in a hug," It's fine my child, that is just how the world works." You hugged her back for a second as both of you pulled away.

"Well I guess I should get back to Gaster, he's probably fired up by now for taking so long," you shrugged.

"Go ahead, and you're welcome here any time." You smiled warmly," Thank you 'mam."

The minute you exited the nursery, you raked your gloves on your hands. You heard your phone ring,"H-hello?" You said, it was the unknown number again.

" Heeeeey buddy," Sans had the phone. "How did you get my number?" You demanded," ummmm, that's not important right now, but hey." You lifted your brow," What?"

There was a deep laugh," Dr. G has something to ask you, he wants to-."

Sans was cut off by Gasters yelling," I CAN [error] TELL (Y/N) MYSELF!!"

You snickered there was a quick silence ," Ok, [error] , you tell her."

You could hear Sans snicker and get the phone again, Gaster had exited the room in a friendzy,"Ok then," Sans implied.

"Alright, Dr. G just wants to ask you out." You heard a door slam open in the background," No [error] not! It's an boss to employee meeting!"
You snickered a little waiting for a second to pass," Sure, when is this 'meeting'?" There was a stifling laughter," It's um... this afternoon at 6:00pm at the cafe." You heard the phone jam and hung up. Puzzled, you continued to go up to Gasters office.

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now