Chapter 33

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For old times sake....

I woke up again laying against my lively boss, and lover. I felt an arm over my back and a small sigh. I looked up to see a softly smiling Gaster. I nuzzled more into his neck and rang my arms around his shoulders. And kissed Gasters cheek. He soon slid me off his lap and leaned more on my shoulder, the warmth around us soften and melt the area sound us.

I stretched a bit and got up, Gaster sighed a bit and layed back onto the couch. I on the other hand went up stairs and fixed my hair.

"Hey Gaster!" I yelled ," ya[error]?"

"We doing anything today?" There was a quick silence," there's a meeting a[error] 1:00pm to reconstruct the building."

I nodded lightly," ok... thanks!"

I left my previous clothes on and just brushed my teeth.

I walked down stairs and went to the kitchen," you want something to eat?"

Gaster turned to me with a smug grin," you."

Surprise punched me in the gut and my face flushed a cherry red. "Ffffffffffffffffvvvvvttttt," I said trying not to cuss. "I mean food," I said between my teeth," you. Be[error] you're a cinnamon roll."

I face palmed and moved my (h/c) bangs to hide my face. "Hash Browns it is!" 

I heard Gaster chuckle and get off the couch," I'd love your hash[error]  browns."

I felt both hands and arms enclose me and the warm bony rib cage of Gaster.

"Whyyy... this flirting... it's to much." I said steadying myself on the counter.

I moved my (h/c) hair out of the way and looked to see a can of unbaked cinnamon rolls in front  of me. The pan and nonstick is there too. I looked up at Gaster," please... [error] make me cinnamon rolls." I stifled a laugh," do you even know how to bake?" Gaster waved his head side to side," no."

I chuckled a bit," in that case go to the oven and set it to 400 degrees. And get me a baking pan."

He went off to do that, I popped open the ready to bake rolls and separated them. The pan suddenly plopped onto the cutting board and I sprayed the nonstick onto it. Then out the cinnamon rolls on it. The stove beeped and I opened it and put the rolls in. I burned my index finger in the process.

"Scccccccct, ow." I said enclosing the tip of my finger while blowing on it. Gaster came over and took my un bandaged hand.... he kissed the burn and I healed. I squealed in shock which caused me to fall and land on the ground.

At least I thought so... but he caught me, twirled me around, and kissed me.

I managed to pry away from Gaster," the cuteness of this situation... it's to much!" I said gasping dramatically. It would be another twenty minutes till the rolls were done.

Heh. If my face was capable I would make a Lenny face but the writer wants you to use your imagination. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Idealistic: Gaster x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now