the robbery

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Everyone from the asylum bursted into the house to see if erica was ok.
She was laying on the couch with blood all over her face and a black eye and cuts put and down her leggs and arms.

You grab chances side hugging him tightly and he holds you. Tessa crying calling the cops.

A few moments later the ambulance came to get Erica she was going to make it. She tried to fight back the robbers when the came in the house but they were to strong.

Tessa and nick were at the hospital with erica to help her recover. The whole night everyone sat on the couch depressed. Jake tries to cheer up the mood it works a bit but not alot.

You looked up at chance and asked him if he wanted to go to bed. He grabbed your blanket and pillow and brought it up to your room. He set it on your bed then he kissed your forhead then was walking towards the door.

"Chance" you whisper.


"Wanna share a room?" you ask.

His eyes lit up "yea!"

You guys go to chances room and grab his stuff and move it into your room.

"Aye, what are you doing." the twins came into the room.

"Me and chance are going to share a room." you say has you kiss chances cheek.

"Aw ok you two." emilo winks then lays down on his bed.

When you got chances things in your room and settled you guys layed down. You rested your head on his chess and he held you tightly around your waist. It was perfect you and chance were finally together. He kissed you and said "night babe, i love you and im happy we are finally together."

"I love you to" you blush then shutting your eyes.

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