chapter 20

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We've been at chances parents for a few days now and it was finally time to go back to the team 10 house.

Jakes mom drove us to the airport and we said our goodbyes and went to get on the plane. I've been ready to go back for awhile not because i didnt like his parents or anything i just missed the squad.

I laid my head down on chances lap and lambo had his head rested on stomach. We watched jakes vlogs and everyones vlogs to keep up with the chaos going around.

When we landed chance grabbed our carry ons and i had lambos leash. We walked threw the sea of people and made it out side to jakes truck which Tony was driving us again. Chance put lambo in the back with some of bags and then we got in.

"Toner!" i yelled hitting his shoulder.

"Toner! Did you miss us?" chance yelled laughing a bit.

"Not when you call me that stupid name!" tony said a bit frustrated. " but yes yes i did."

"Aww." i said giving him a hug.

Chance giggled then started playing some music. We all sung OFC, Jerika, and Its Every Day Bro.

We made it to the house. We walked inside the slightly more destroyed house. We got surrounded by hugs and " we've missed you" and " how was the trip."

Later that night Tessa and Tony were using lambo for a video and me and chance were going on a date. We were going to the movies then going to the beach to watch fireworks.

We got ready said our goodbyes once again. We put our things in the team 10 van 😬 and got in ready to go.

"You excited?" chance said rubbing my theigh.

"Yea." i said looking up to him smiling.

"I love you." he said grabbing my hand then kissing it.

"I love you to." i said as happy as can be.

All of a sudden it felt like the vans back end felt like it dropped. The van then swung sideways. I started freaking out i looked chance trying to get free from his seat belt. I saw headlights coming towards us out chances window.

"Chance!" i screamed.

He turned and looked back me and squeezed my hand tighter. The light got closer then hit chances side.

I woke up and saw glass and red and blue flashing lights. The van was now on its side. I looked over at chance who had cuts all over his face and arms and his white shirt now had red slotches and cuts and my hand was still in chances i didnt wanna let go.

"Chance wake up." i said shaking his hand tearing up.

Soon sombody almost me got but didnt want to let go i was balling at this moment chance hasnt woken up.

"Miss you need to let go." a female police officer said.

I let go and she put me in Anthonys arms i cried into his sholder then jake came and hugged me. We were sitting on the back of a ambulance. Anthony was about to go get the others but i wanted him to stay so kade and tristan went instead. jake was rubbing my back crying himself. We watched as the cut the van trying to get chance out.

I had nothing wrong with me except a few cuts they said when the car hit chance turned which shield me.

The got him out and put him on a gerny and put him in another ambulance. I got up and started to go run to see but Anthony grabbed me and held me close.

"Let me go i gotta see him!" him i screamed trying to wiggle out.

"Y/n you have to stay." Tony said weakly.

Jake got up and hugged me from the back and he had his arms around Anthony as well we were all hugging and crying alot.

We got into jakes truck i was in the back with Anthony and kade and jake in the front.

"do you think he'll make it?" i mumbled into Anthony's chest trying to get air from the crying.

"He'll make it. He strong." Anthony sniffled.

We arrived at the hospital and ran to the room we were told to go to. I grabbed a chair and admittedly brought it to his side taking his hand into mine again. He had tubes all over his body. The room was quite exept for the beeping and occasional sniffle from somebody from crying. I rest my head onto his hand which had my own un his light cold clasp.

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