chapter 29

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A week has past and the 3 couples me chance, jake and Erika, and Tessa and Anthony were at the grove eating lunch.

"You guys have have been engaged for more that 7 months now when are you guys getting married?" tessa asked looking at me and chance taking a sip of her drink.

"Well we were actually waiting for you guys." i smiled.

"What do you mean? Wait for us." jake questioned.

"Well we were thinking of having a trio wedding." chance spoke up.

"That would be dope!" Anthony smiled ear to ear.

"Ok i think thats a great idea." erika smiled.

"When should we all get actually married." tessa asked.

"Well summer is about over... But we are in L.A doesn't matter since we dont get winter." i laughed.

"So how about this month. So its still summer and we dont get married in the winter." jake suggested.

"How about next the 26th?" chance spoke.

"Thats next week!" Erika shouted.

"Well team 10 is about being a savage and savages do things spontaneously." jake said.

"I think we can get it planned out." i said gtabbing chances hand.

"I think uncle kade or logan should marry us." tessa laughed and everyone started laughing.
(pick you you want in the comments)

We went all got into jakes tesla blood shark and went home. Lambo met me and chance at the front door jumping on us and barking making me and chance fall to the floor laughing and lambo licking oir faces.

We sat at the office with nick and meg planning the wedding. It was going to be on August 26 2017 at 2:30 at jakes dad's house in the yard.

We started inviteing our family and close friends we didn't want a big wedding.

"So whos gonna marry you guys?" nick asked.

"Tessa said kade or logan i was think you or kade but logan would be cool too." i sighed (pick in the comments or suggest some one).

When tessa Anthony jake and Erika got home we told them the Idea and every was in on the plane and was exited.

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