At the beach 🌴

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I walked down stairs to see anthony on his phone waiting for me. We walke out to a uber.

*skip ride

I jump out of the uber running to chance i havent seen him all day. He was facing the ocean but at the last secound he turned around and cought me in his arms.

"Dont do that" he smirked laughing at me " that could of went bad"he kissed me lightly not wanting to make a scene then setting me down.
Then anthony came running down and everyone crowded him hugging him and "saying we are glad your back"

I then stripped to my bikini and started to wade out into the water. I herd someone moving in the water behind me i thought it was chance so i turned around and hugged the person but it wasnt chance it was jake.

"Aye i could get used to this" jake said in deductive voice.

"Oh my god im sorry i thought you were chance." i said laughing pulling away from jake.

Then he got a serious face i never thought jake could be so serious.

"I want to talk to you about you and chance." he said quietly.

"Mmm?ok?" my smile dropped.

"I didnt really want you guys to start dating because if you guys break up it going to cause drama in team 10 like me and alissa." he looked behind him to see if anyone was there. "So if you guys break up one might have to leave if you guys break up peacefully then both can stay i dont want anymore drama."

I nodded then walked back to shore. Chance then went infront of me when i was about out of the water i ran into his chest then i looked up and he grabbed my shoulders.

"What did he say to you?"

"Chance?" i said with a shakey thoat.

"Yea?" noticing that i was about to cry then hugging me.

"Do you see a future with us?"

His face flushed white his hands were shaking....he was scared of commitment. He let go of me walked up to shore grabbed his stuff and walked to the van. I then went and put my clothes over my bikini and went for a walk.

I had so many thoughts in my head "was i just a fling" "is he using me" "i thought we had something" "did he do something i dont know about?" i sat down and started to cry thinking about all the possibilitys. If we break up i dont wanna leave team 10 and he wouldnt either.

Chances pov:

When y/n asked me that question i went blank. I didnt have control. I went to the van and wondered why she asked me that im scared of commitment. I love her but all the pressure. It might of had something to do with jake. I was leaning on the door inside then somebody opened it and i fell out.

"Hey!" i yelled rubbing my head everyone was back and got into the van and jake started to drive. Went to go look at y/n but she wasnt there.

"Wait!" the van stopped and everyone stared at me "we forgot y/n"

"Shit!" everyone yelled and jumped out of the car.

We ran down to the beach but didnt see her we ran the away she walked fallowing her footprints. I was running the fastest since everyone was tired from swimming her footprints led to some rocks she was curled up in a little ball with her jacket on her as a blanket i then picked her up bridel style.  Everyone saw that i had her and walked back to the van. I sat in the back with y/n still sleeping i held her close i looked at her. She was beautiful. I didnt love anyone more... I was ready... Im going to marry her one day.


Please tell me your thoughts give me some ideas so maybe i can update faster. I really want to do anothert story but i dont know who? So please tell me who you want. Thank you guys.

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