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I woke up seeing chances face. I smiled then i tried to get up quitely but when i was about to take my first step arms wrapped around my waist.

"Chance really?"i said with my morning voice laying my head on his chest.

"I don't want you to leave me" he squeezed me tighter barely able to breathe.

"Chance i cant breathe!" i yelled with a winded voice.

He let me go than he ran out the door than i herd a loud crash i ran out falling my self i see chance at the bottom of the steps groaning holding his side.

"Oh my god!" i ran to his side lifting his head off the ground.

"Jake! Anthony! Martinez!" i yelled they came from jakes room laughing then getting a serious face starting to run.

"No! Dont ru-" i was to late they fell right in front of my door.

They got up and butt scooted down the stairs to get to chance.

"What happened?"they said.

"Dont know he ran out the door and herd a crash and i ran out and fell my self"

Jake and anthony picked up chance and put him on the trampoline. I got him ice to put it on where it hurt he wasnt hurt badly just a few bruises.

Erica came back from a meeting and i was with chance on the trampoline with his head on my lap and i was iceing the sore spot on his head.

"Oh my god what happened!"erica said running over.

"Someone put baby oil in front of me and chances door and he fell down the stairs" i replied with a frown.

"Im sorry it was me i didnt think someone would wake up and run out the door" erica said rubbing her head embarssed.

"Erica!"everone yelled looking up at her.

"Least hes not dead!" she shrugged running up stairs.

Everyone looked at eachother and smiled then we all herd a crash and erica yell "ow!"

"Oh yea by the way we didnt clean up the baby oil!" jake yelled laughing.

She got up and slammed her door shut. Everyone was laughing so hard.

chance sutton x reader_ FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now