at the asylum

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You guys are in the team 10 van jamming to some songs. Then jake sighs "we are here." Everyone sighs then steps out of the van. When you got out chance grabbed your sholders and said "are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yea" you sigh.

He hugs you and kisses you. "Aw come you to lovebirds lets get inside" chad says pushing you two apart. Chance grabbs your hand and leads you to the window to go in. He helps you crawl threw the window. You guys walk for awhile but then jake pokes you and says "lets hide" you think its funny and you fallow him.

You guys find a creepy room to hide in it had hospital beds and syringes.

Chance's pov:

I started to freak out so i turned around to see how y/n was doing but she was gone and so was jake.

"Dude, kade y/n and jake are gone!"i said freaking out even more.

Kade grabbed tony and chad and everyone started yelling for them and going back.

Y/n pov:

Me and jake were taking some creepy photos then i herd chance yelling my name.

"Jake should we go back?" you say worried.

"Naw just stay here with me and dont say a word and dont cave."

You nodded but you felt bad to do this to chance. Then you see chad run in the room.

"Y/n dont worry i got chad in on the prank."

Tonys pov:

Me and chance are searching for y/n and jake and now chad is gone! I turned to look at chance he was crying.

"Bro what if shes hurt."he said rubbing his eyes. I've never seen him cry.

"Bro shes with jake they are obviously messing with us." i said trying to make him feel better. " if they are in trouble jake would keep she safe." i shouldnt of said that it didnt help.

Y/n pov:

"Jake we should go find them i hear someone crying i think its chance." you said with a tear rolling down you face.

Jake didnt like that this prank made you cry so he caved in and helped you find chance.

"Chance!" you yelled. Then down the hall you jake and chad saw a ghost.

"Dude im out bye!" chad yelled going back to the window.

You look at jake and say "we got to find chance." Then you hear your name being yelled behind you its chance and tony. You run and jump in this arms.

"Babe why did would you scare me like that" he said crying kissing you.

"Im sorry i didnt think it would go like this." you said crying kissing him back.

"Yo we better go i just go a text from tessa telling us we need to come home right now." jake said .

Chance put you down and grabbs your hand then walks you to the van.

"Guys tessa said we got robbed and they hurt erika." jake said driving faster.

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