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I woke up seeing chance not by my side. My phone was flashing. I picked it up groaning and stretching slightly.

Chance 💖: babe i left to get you a surprise🎉 i love you and i got to some breakfast down stairs i'll be back in a few 💖

Me: i cant wait for you to be back home cant wait to see my surprise 🙈 love you too😘

I ran back down stairs to see what chance got me for breakfast. On the counter i saw i brown paper bag with a note

Note: for y/n DONT EAT IT

I laughed at the little note and opened the bag to see a bacon burger from McDonald's. I smiled and went back upstairs to shower and change. I changed into some light blue jeans with a croptop jake paul hoodie and light makeup.

I herd the door open it was chance. I ran down the stairs yelling "whats the surpise!" then chance sat a box on the ground. I hugged him and kissed him then knelt down to the box. I opened it and puppy popped up. I smiled ear to ear then held it close.

"Oh my god thank so much babe!" i got up to kiss him.

I instantly pulled out my phone to take a picture.

I instantly pulled out my phone to take a picture

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It was a boy great dane puppy

i took the puppy to the trampoline and started playing with it with they toys chance got at the store

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i took the puppy to the trampoline and started playing with it with they toys chance got at the store.

Chance came over and grabbed the puppy and said "well back to its owner" then started to walk to door.

"What! No" i stood up to run after him. "You cant do this to me chance im already attached!" i said blocking the door.

"Babe its not ours" he said pushing me away from the door.

I started to cry. He turned around then came to hug me then he started to laugh.

I pushed him away "why are you laughing!" i wiped way my tears " this isnt funny!"

"Its funny because its a prank!" he laughed.

I smiled and laughed and took the dog and hugged chance.

We went back to my room and played with dog and watched riverdale.

Chance looked up at me and pointed at the dog "we havent name him yet."

"What do you wanna name him." i looked up at him.

"It needs to be badass since its part of team 10 and all"

"True" i laughed.

We thought for a few minutes then chance yelled "lambo!"

"Perfect!" i laughed and kissed him.

"you know everyone doesnt know that we have a dog yet." he smirked .

"Lets tell them now."

I put the dog in a blanket and went down stairs.

"Team 10 meeting!" chance yelled.

People came from everywhere in the house.

"Me and y/n got a lambo!" chance yelled.

Everyones faces dropped.

"Why do we need to know that?" erika stated.

"We want to show you" i said smriking at chance.

"Ok ok somthings up!" kade said scared.

Then everyone went to go walk outside.

"Where are you guys going?" chance laughed.

"To go see the lambo?" jake said confused.

"Its in here" i smiled

Everyone looked confused then i put the puppy on counter "meet lambo!" i screamed.

Everyone yelled and hugged the puppy and passing it around.

chance sutton x reader_ FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now