the idea 💡

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I woke up in my bed kinda of freaking out because i was at the beach. I guess i fell asleep when i sat down. I saw chance laying next to me so i kissed his cheek and walked down stairs to get breakfast. I grabbed some strawberrys and some whipped cream and sat down outside going through my phone.

I herd the glass door open and close i thought it was chance but it was kade. He had a salad and sat down next to me.

"Morning" i said looking through my phone.

"Morning" he said back going through instagram and eating his salad.

Then we started talking about picture and traveling. He told me stories about his pictures and where he was.

"You know what would be awesome!" i said getting him to look at me.

"Team 10 should go on a vacation!"his eyes widen and his mouth dropped open.

"I could get so many good pictures!" he stood up and started to pace back and forth in front of me "but where would we go?"

Then tristan and alex came to the back yard. We told them the idea. They thought it was a great idea and we kept on thinking where to go.

We walked into the office and looked on kades laptop to fine a good place. Me and alex wanted to go to Hawaii. Tristan wanted to go to the Caribbeans. Kade wanted to go to green land to get some cool snowy pictures. Then jake came down to see what we were yelling about. We told jake and of course he got hyped on the idea.

We decided to go to the Caribbeans. So we had a team 10 meeting but not everyone was wake so i ran up stairs to wake up chance nicely.

I shook him "chance!" wake up i yelled quietly.

He turned to face me he lightly pecked my lips and then stretched.

"There is a team 10 mee-" i got cut off by jake waking up anthony and the martinez twins with a megaphone. Then i continued through the loudness. "Go ahead babe" chance said looking back at me.

"Tean 10 is having a meeting soon"

He got up put on different pair of shorts and a ofc hoodie. He grabbed my hand and we walked down stairs everyone was either on trampoline or somewhere in the kitchen me amd chance sat on the floor i sat in between chances legs and he put his arms around me laying his head on my shoulder.

"Ok, attention team 10" jake yelled." Kade and y/n got a great idea for a team 10..." he stalled out for a few secounds "a team 10 vacation to the Caribbeans!"

Everyone started yelling jumping up and down. When everyone settled down we figured out who was going to go. Nick had to many meetings so he couldnt go. So i was going to be me, kade, chance, tristan,jake,erica,tessa, chad,the twins and alex.

Jake and tristan looked for places tostay because tristan traveled alot so he knew what to do.

Chance stood up grabbing my hand.

"Babe,wanna go out for breakfast?"

Yea, that will be nice just let me go change." i ran up stairs to change and brush my teeth and hair.

When i ran back down he was at the door he opened it and we walked to a cafe.

When we got there we ordered our food and we sat down towards the back. When we were done eating we talked for a little bit then he grabbed my hands and got serious.

"about the thing that happened at the beach. Im sorry i freaked out commitment it just a huge deal for me. But when i found you by the rocks and carried you to the van i looked at you. You and thought to my self that i was ready and that i loved you and didnt want anyone else. If it doesnt worked out with us i dont know how i will cope without you."

I had a tear run down my cheek and he whipped it away.

"Y/n i love you" he said.

"I love you too chance" i stood up then he stood up and we hugged and he kissed me lightly. Then he payed the bill and we walked out the door to go back to the house. We walked throught the door jake was vlogging with the twins. So we walked up to jake to ask about the vacation and he said it will be next month.

Me and chance walked up to our room and cuddled and watched netflix.


Comment opinions and ideas.


I have been asking ideas for who to do another story on but i have got no replies i watch alot of youtube so i know alot of youtubers so i just tell me who.

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