chapter 21

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I was sleeping in a hospital chair sitting down with chances hand in mine still not wanting to let go and my head rested on the side of the bed.

I woke up to light tapping on my shoulder.

"Y/N you need to come home." Anthony said neeling down by my side.

"I cant leave him alone in case he wakes up." i said yawning.

"Just for a few hours. You need to eat and get the stuff you need to stay here." he sighed rubbing my back.

I love that Anthony is helping me out he has always been there for me.

"Your right, but i want to be here when he wakes up." i said looking at chances pale emotionless face.

"You'll just be gone for a hour or two." he said standing up.

"Ok I'll go." i stood up and rubbed chances hand then letting go.

We walked down the halls that were had a sad and heavy vibe of sadness and dull color.

Anthony took me to the house and people ran to me hugging ne and giving me their condolences. Erika was making me somthing to eat while i was in me and chances room gathering what i needed. I took a quick shower then got into some new clothes.

I herd footsteps come to the door fallowed by light knocking.

"Come in" i said putting a outfit for chance in a duffel bag.

"Hey i want to talk to you." jake said sitting on my bed rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wow it must be really bad if your acting like this." i said with a sorrowful voice.

"I dont want to pull attention to me from chance but i need to talk about this." he said looking down with his hand on the side of his face.

"Jake its ok you can talk about this." i kneeled down infront of jake.

"Im quitting Disney." he had tears forming in his eyes

"Why?" i said raising my eye brow.

"Im a 20 year old acting like a 16 year old and you know it take up alot of time i get a unhealthy amount of sleep and i need more time to focus on team 10 and my brand." he now had a tear down his face.

"Jake i think your doing a good thing. You just took a big brave step for your self and it will work out for you. Your doing this so you can inprove as a person." i said putting the last thing in my bag.

"Thank you for understanding." he said standing up hugging me. He pulled away and grabbed my shoulders then furrowed his eyebrows "I know how the accident happened."

"WHAT?! How?" i had a angry tone in my voice.

"I went to talk to the police about the van and they said they back tires on the van had the lug nuts missing so i went back home and were the van was i saw the lug nuts there so i went in side i watched the security camera and saw the neighbors taking the lug nuts off." he huffed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" i yelled swinging my bag over my shoulder. Then storming out the door then to the steps.

"Wait Y/N." jake yelled jogging down the stairs.

"Where is she going?" Anthony said stepping next to where jake was stood.

"Im about to go whoop some ass!" i yelled swinging the door open the slamming it behind me.

The two boys ran after me to the neighbors who were in their front yard.

"You think your gonna get away with shit!" i said standing in front of their gate.

They just stood their. Then one of them spoke up "go away before i call the cops."

"Oh so when we are minding our own business on our property you call the cops then you come over drunk yelling at us and we do nothing and now you almost killed my husband and you think im not gonna do anthing about it?"

"Killed your husband?" the one said condused.

" yea, taking the lug nuts off our van we crashed on the highway and he almost died and he is in a coma right now!"i screamed starting to cry.

They got a guilty look and started to walk inside.

I went to go jump over the gate when Anthony grabbed me "stop you go back to the house and eat and we will go to the hospital and Jake and nick will sue them."

I was crying into his chest once again. Erika made me some bacon with pancakes and a fruit smoothing gor the hospital. Me Anthony back walking down the sad gloomy hall. We walked into chances room and he was still motionless and wired and i returned to my chair and held his hand again and Anthony laid on the couch watching his best friend in the worst condition of his life and and his other best friend go through the worst moment of her life.


Twitter @ler_tay



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