chapter 24

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We spent our little vacation all lovey dovey but it was time to go back. I went with chance, Erika, Jake, Anthony, and Tessa oh and dont forget proud uncle kade on the jet. So all the couples.

We all talked and had little "fights" on whos the better couple for fun. I layed my head onto chances lap to go to sleep and he lightly ran his fingers through my hair.

When the jet landed chance kissed the side of my face lightly and whispering "we landed". I woke up and stretched and lighly kissed his lips and rounded up my stuff.

"Im glad to be back." i said still trying to wake up leaning on chances shoulder while walking. He soon stopped.

"Are you tried?" he laughed.

"Yea, i stayed up googling random things." i smiled.

"How about a piggy back ride?" he smirked.

I smiled and jumped on his back and instantly shut my eyes. When we got to the car i was kinda awake. I tried to get hyped from the music but i couldnt i started feeling kinda weak.

We got home and and i slowly made my way up stairs and dropped my bags and laid on bed Groaning from the pain in stomach. Studdenly i felt like i was going to throw up i ran into the bathroom and puked.

"Y/n are you ok?" chance said concerned walking in then kneeling down by my side.

I grabbed a wet wash rag and wiped my mouth and looked up at him "did you use protection?"

His eyes widened and his mouth dropped then looked down "no."

I wasn't ready for kids and either was he. "We need to get to the store." i said getting up to make my way to the door.

"Why?" he said looking up.

"I need a pregnancy test just make sure." i said running my fingers through his hair.

He nodded and got up. We made our way down stairs and got jakes keys for the Tacoma and made our way to the store.

We got the pregnancy test and got out as fast as we could so we wernt noticed.

When we got home i ran up stairs and chance stayed down.

2 minutes later i looked at the test and test read positive i was in shock not knowing what to do i started to cry into my knees and soon lambo whined and layed his head down on my hand i hugged him and continued to cry.

"What did it say?" chance said sitting down infront of me.

"It said positive." i tried to smile while crying.

"Are we going to keep it?" chance said grabbing my hands.

"I think we should talk to somebody about it first just to get somebody elses point of view." i said and rubbed his hands with my thumbs.

"Thats a good idea." he then hugged me and stood up and helped me up.

"Can we do it tomorrow because im tired and cant handle a talk like that with this much sleep." i said making my way to the bed.

He then nodded and laid down by me and held me in his arms tightly.


Listing to jakes new song like changed my poing of veiw on some things it was really good ive been listing to it on repeat the whole time writing this and before.

Also i really feel like answering questions so please please comment questions

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