1. The Suite Life Sets Sail

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My best friend Bailey and I have arrived on the ship where we are about to spend the rest of our high school career studying on. I'm really excited. I feel like I should a little background information on me. I'm Y/n, and I'm originally from New York. There was a hurricane there a few years back and I lost my parents in it. I barely got out alive, I was lucky. Bailey and I had known each other a year at that point because we met when I went on holiday with my family to Kettlekorn where some of my relatives lived. I met her one day when I was walking around with my mom. And we became best friends, we wrote to each other all the time, and when she heard about the hurricane and my parents, she insisted I live with her and her family. I had to check with my own relatives there and make sure they were okay with it, but they knew my relatives so it worked out pretty well. I've lived with them ever since. 

"Oh! There's the check-in line," Mrs. Pickett said happily, walking ahead of myself and Bailey.

"It's okay Mom, we'll take it from here." She said, pulling her mom back by her arm. "Oh but don't you need me to sign the forms for both of you?" "No, it's okay Mrs. Pickett, we got it." I assured her, smiling.

"Okay, Y/n, I love you sweetie, like my own daughter." She replied. "I love you too." I smiled back at her. "I love you Mom, and have a safe flight back to Kansas, and give a hug to Sally May and Betty Lynn and all of the other chickens." Bailey said to her mom, smiling. 

Mom nodded. "I will. Now, don't you forget-" 

"I will." Bailey cut her off and kissed her cheek. Her mom yelled "wear sunscreen" and then left. I smiled to myself, she's always been an amazing mother to Bailey, and me especially, I'm not even her biological daughter but it feels like it. She doesn't treat me any different. 

"Do you want me to wait in line or will I wait for you?" I asked her. "You go ahead I don't want it to look any weirder than it already will if someone catches me walking out of the bathroom." 

"Fair enough." I laughed. "See you in a bit Bailey."

Bailey went into the girl's bathroom. She came out a few moments later dressed as a boy and joined me in line, saying she did in fact meet a lady when she walked out and got a strange look. You're probably confused, here's what happened. When Bailey and I were applying for the school,  all the girls' spaces were taken up after I had signed up so she tried to see would she get in if she signed up as a boy and it worked. So now she has to actually look like a boy as much as possible. At least until after registration. 

After Bailey and I got our registration packs and stuff, we went our separate ways. 

I found my room and spent about an hour unpacking and filling shelves. I had my own room, which was strange because I thought we were all supposed to have roommates. I won't complain though, it might not be long before I get one. 

I decided to go find Bailey. I went to to where she told me she was and I saw her with with 2 boys, who were obviously twins. "I cannot believe you used my hairbrush to scratch your back." She said in disgust, holding up a hairbrush with her thumb and first finger. "Back? Oh, uh, yeah let's go with back." One of them said, and she quickly threw the brush back at him, and walked off. 

"Aw come on, you're worse than my brother." He yelled after her. Then he saw me as I walked closer. "Oh hey, what are you doing here the girls' dorm is that way I thought?" He asked, innocently. "Oh yeah, I just came to look for my friend, and it seems you just assaulted his brush." I said, half-joking. "I'm Zack, this is my brother Cody." He said, and I looked over at the other boy who looked identical to him, and he looked traumatised. "Are you okay?" I asked. "My roommate farts classic rock." He whined. "Eugh." I scrunched my nose in disgust. 

The Suite Life on Deck (Season 1) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now