19. Mulch Ado About Nothin'

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We ran to the lobby to see what was sent to us in the mail by our families. "Mom's muffins are the best!!" Zack said, excitedly. "I thought you said your mom was a horrible cook?" Bailey asked. 

"Oh no, if she got better she'd be horrible." Cody answered. "Yeah, we wouldn't dare eat 'em. But these babies sure are fun to play with." Zack said, bouncing the muffin. 

"Plus, they make great erasers." Cody said, erasing something. 

"Yay! My allowance for the week!!" London said, and took out a gold bar. "What do they say when you bring that thing to the bank?" I asked. London made quotation marks with her fingers. "Wow." She said. 

"Dang it." Woody said, turning around and he was holding a big blue dress against him. We all laughed. 

"Nice dress Woody, really brings out your eyes." Zack said, laughing. "My mom switched our packages again. This is supposed to go to my little sister." London and Zack pulled each side of the dress and stretched it out. "Little?" Zack asked. 

"She must have gotten my pjs. I'll guess I'll just have to sleep in the buff." Woody said. "NO BUFF! Uh, our room is a buff free zone." Cody said, jumping forward. 

Bailey gasped. "Oh my gosh, I got a package from the farm!" Bailey said. She picked it up. "Y/n so do you." She said, and handed mine to me. 

"Is it homemade pie?" Cody asked.

"A fresh peach cobbler?" Zack asked. 

"Is it a one way ticket home?!" London asked excitedly, making Bailey glare at her. 

"Mulch!" She said, excitedly. "Mulch?" Everyone asked together. 

"Rotten vegetables and woodchips." She said, smelling them. "I think I'm gonna cry." She said. "Does it smell that bad?" Zack asked.

"No, it smells like home. You know this is the first year we're missing the Kettlekorn Mulch Festival." I said. 

"Let me guess, both of you were Miss Junior Mulch." London joked. But joke's on her. It's a real thing. "Every second year for 3 years running." I smiled. "And this year, I would have been a shoe in for corn queen." Bailey said, sadly and then started crying. "I miss home." She said, and ran off. 

I looked at my box. "You gonna open it babe?" Zack asked. "I'll do it later. Let's go get a smoothie like we said we would." I said and we headed off after I dropped my box in my room.

Zack and I got back to my cabin. "Do you wanna come in for a bit?" I asked. He nodded and we walked in. "Do you want to open your package?" Zack asked, gesturing to the box that was sitting on my bed. 

"Yeah. But you seem to be more excited about it than I am." I giggled. Zack shrugged and I picked up the box and Zack sat beside me. I opened it. 

It was full of things from my room back at the farm. Like stuffed animals, clothes, and other little things like that. 

"Wow..." I said, smiling at the stuff. I felt tears threaten to spill. "I never thought I'd say this but...I miss home." I admitted, tears falling down as I looked at Zack. Zack put an arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. "It's okay." Zack whispered, and kissed my hair. I looked back at him. "I just realised I never told you about what happened to my family in New York, and how I ended up with Bailey's family."

"I heard there was an accident of some kind?" Zack asked. I took a deep breath. "Yeah, there was a huge hurricane in the city and I lost my parents. I barely got out. But because. I knew Bailey from previous family trips, they heard and took me in. My home will always be New York, but Kettlecorn is like a second home to me. I guess I really do miss it." Zack pulled he in for another hug. "I'm so sorry about your parents. But you're so strong for working through it. And I'm here for you. Always." He said into my hair.

"I guess I never realized how much I missed home because Bailey was here all the time, and you were here." I smiled. Zack smiled back and kissed me. "I'm gonna go to see Cody. He's probably plotting a way to make Bailey feel less homesick. Will you be okay here for a bit?" Zack asked, hesitant to leave me alone. I smiled and nodded. "Okay, I'll see you soon." Zack said, kissing me one last time and then left the room. I pulled out the throw blanket from the box and cuddled it.

A litle later, I got a text from Zack. "Hey babe :) Come down to the Sky Deck. Wear something plaid 💕" 

I smiled. I had a shower and put on my plaid dress and my blank ankle boots. Then I didn my make-up and got plaid stick-on nails from my bag. I did a little spray of perfume and then I was done. I grabbed my leather jacket and walked down to the Sky Deck. I met Bailey on the way. She was wearing something like a farm girl would too. Except her's is a little more obvious. We walked onto the Sky Deck. "SURPRISE!!" Everyone said. 

"Wait a minute, barrels of finely aged mulch, every corn dish known to man.." Bailey continued and then I felt hands wrap around my waist. "You look beautiful." I smiled, and turned around. "Hey." I smiled. "Hello. And thank you. You look adorable. With your little bandana and stuff." I smiled, playing with Zack's collar. "Did you and Cody do all this?" 

Zack nodded. I kissed him. "You're amazing." I smiled.

"I know." Zack joked, winking.

Turns out London invited Moose back. That's bad. Cody's not gonna be happy. Zack and I joined the line dance then later.

Cody pulled Zack and I away from where we were talking with a few people. "This better be good." Zack said. 

"How can I keep Bailey from moving back to Kettlekorn with Moose?" "Wait what? Why is she going home?! She can't go home, she's my best friend. I need her here!!" I said, panicking. "Think about me I'm her future boyfriend!!" Cody panicked.  "I guess you're just gonna have to show her you're the better man." Then Zack started giggling and pulled me away. We were pulled back a bit and I told Cody "Do not let her leave or else." and then Cody turned to Zack. "Do you remember any of our previous discussions about my lack of self esteem and your lack of support?"

Then Moseby announced it was corn-bobbing time. So Moose and Cody went against each other for a few little challenges like that.

Bailey ended up staying. Which was great. And Cody and Bailey are blossoming into a beautiful relationship. I know it. Let's just hope Cody gets his act together.

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