14. When In Rome...

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London and I were sitting at a table on the Sky Deck and Bailey came over to us with something in her hand. "Here hold this." She said to London, handing her the roll of cling film in her hand. Then she started twirling around so it would conceal her back pockets. 

"Um, Bailey, if you're trying to hide those hideous pants, I can still see them." London said. I laughed. It's a little funny. 

"We're gonna be in Rome, and the last thing Pa told us before we left the farm, was watch out for pick-pockets in the big city." I explained. 

"And by big city you mean?..." London asked. "Any place where the mayor is not a goose." Bailey answered. 

Then she had to pee so she unwrapped again and Zack caught her because Cody asked her what she was doing. 


"London, I am sick of shopping." My poor sister complained as she dragged London's abundance of shopping bags behind her. "You're not shopping, you're shlupping." London answered, she only had one tiny bag in her hand. 

"Yeah about that..." Bailey said angrily but London shushed her. We looked over and there was a guy singing and playing guitar. London was staring at him. We walked over to him. London was the human version of the heart eye emoji. 

When he was done she put some money in his guitar case. "No no, I don't play for money." He said, picking up the money she gave him and handing it back to her. "I play for love." London gasped. 

"Love, I love love." She said, as he kissed his hand. I think he called her Bella? And then she giggled. "Actually, my name is London."

"No London, Bella means pretty in Italian." Bailey corrected. He laughed. "I see you're able to speak Italian. As well as being able to carry 6 times your weight in bags." He said. 

"London these are getting really heavy." Bailey said. "So? Take them back to the ship. Get Y/n to help you." She said. 

"We are not your servants!!" I said, outraged. "Here's 100 bucks, divide it." She said, handing me the 100 bucks because Bailey didn't have the hands take it. 

"Let us get that for ya ma'am." Bailey said, as London gave her the tiny bag she had. "Here Bailey let me take some of them." I offered and took half of the bags. Then we got the taxi back to the ship.


The next day, we did some more exploring in Rome. "Thank goodness you finally took of that stupid plastic wrap." London said to my sister. 

"Well I had to! That stuff was giving me a rash." Bailey said, making London and I look at her disgusted. "So I replaced it with this money belt." 

"Well, see ya later. Luca texted me and he should be here any minute." London said. Bailey and I gasped. "He's defying his uncle to see you? How romantic." Bailey said. 

"It's not that romantic." London scoffed. "Why not?" I asked. "Because you're both still here." London snapped, making us flinch. Okay, I guess we should go. 

"Right. Have fun." Bailey said and we walked off. 

Bailey and I walked back to where we were with London a few minutes ago. She was looking for the money belt key. But then I heard something. I looked over and Luca and his uncle were talking. I hit Bailey on the shoulder and pointed to the two. 

"I feel bad about what I did to London." Luca said. "You never feel bad about the mark. To think my little nephew conned twenty thousand dollars out of London Tipton. Tonight we eat like kings!" His uncle said, happily. "Pasta! With sauce! And then maybe a meatball.." And he continued talking as they walked away. 

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