21. Double-Crossed

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I was sitting at the smoothie counter with a girl I just met. Her name is Alex and she's so nice and we've become great friends. I was looking at the menu. "So what do you recommend?" I asked Zack, because I've had nearly every smoothie. 

"Me. With whipped cream." Zack said smiling. "Well, I've already got you so..." I said smiling. "You guys are so cute." Alex said, smiling. Cody appeared. His hair was a mess. Alex and I put our hands over our mouths. 

"Zack, you think messing with a man's botanical rinse is funny?!" He asked angrily. "I think any man who uses a botanical rinse is funny." Zack said, and Alex and I started laughing. We saw Cody glaring at us. "Sorry." We said together. 

"Great. Now I have to go wash, rise and repeat, and repeat, and repeat." Cody said, walking off angrily.

"I haven't seen you around. I'm Zack." Zack said, holding out his hand. "And I'm -being hauled away!" Alex said, who was dragged away by a boy, the way they interacted I think it was her brother. And he seemed older.

"Her name is Alex." I said to Zack and he continued making smoothies.

Zack walked over after her brother left. "Wow! Your brother thinks you're gonna end up in a dead-end, go nowhere, minimum wage job? We have so much in common!!" Zack said, excitedly and Alex ran away. Haha.


Zack and I were handing out in his room. Zack opened the door. Alex was there. "Zack! Is this your cabin? Let's check it out." She said, running in and shutting the door. She turned. "Wow. Aw Y/n cute outfit." She said, and I smiled. 

"You like my place huh?" Zack asked. "Like it? I can't see it! Oh, and that stench is making my eyes tear up." Alex said, rubbing her eyes.

"Blink fast. It helps." Zack smiled. There was a knock on the door. "ZACK!!" It was Mr. Moseby. "I'll go get rid of him." Zack said. "Okay you do that I'm gonna hide. I mean...tidy things up yes."

Zack opened the door. "You" Moseby said, his eyes narrowed. "I didn't do it!" Zack said.

"Oh yes you did." Moseby said. "I swear I didn't. By the way, what is it that I didn't do?" Zack asked. 

"You put blue dye in the hot tub." 

"Dye...dye? No, I've done soap bubbles, pudding, tea-bags, rubber foot, electric eels but no dye how could I have missed dye?!"

"You didn't I found this right outside your door. I knew it was you."

"But that's not-"

"You butt is confined to this cabin! You'll have to entertain yourself with whatever's in this room." Moseby said. Zack looked at me and then at Alex. He smiled back at Moseby. "I think I can make that work." I looked at him and narrow my eyes. Cheeky.

Moseby's eyes must have started to tear up because he started waving his hand in front of his face and then left the room. 

He turned back to me. I walked over to him. "You're adorable." I said, and kissed his cheek. 


"Okay, well I better go kay." Alex said, heading for the door but Zack stopped her. 

"Wait, you can't leave. I'll be in solitary confinement. I'll be forced to dig an escape tunnel, which would wind up sinking the boat." Zack said.

"You should just confess. You'll feel so much better and maybe get out of your room sooner." Alex said, smiling. "Like me right now okay bye."

"But I didn't do it! I'd never pull such a lame prank."

"What do you mean lame?"

"It had amateur written all over it." Zack said. "Are you calling whoever did this an amateur?" Alex asked, but she was being off about it. She didn't do it did she?

"That's it! Lame, amateur, it was Cody! I bet he's getting back at me for my brilliant hair prank." Zack thought. 

"Oh yeah, glue in a brush real brilliant." Alex said. "Zack you can't possibly think that Cody would pull something like this? You sure he has the stomach for it?" I asked. 

Then we headed out to the Sky Deck to try and see who did it.


"YOU!!" We turned and Alex's brother and Moseby were there. "This is the miscreant who turned you blue." Moseby said, grabbing Zack. Alex's brother laughed.

"No it's not, it was her." He said. "Uh, Justin, Mr. Moseby is our host on this lovely cruise and you insult him by arguing with him. Come brother." She said, taking him but was pulled back. 

"Hey, wait a minute. I recognize those word twisting manipulations followed by a hasty exit. It was you." Zack said. And sure enough, it was.

Also, I found out that Bailey and Cody are finally together. Bailey kissed him. I'm so happy for them.

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