7. It's All Greek To Me

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"I can't believe we only have 2 days in Athens. How are we gonna fit in all the great museums?" Bailey said, sadly. "Easy, we need to get the bus driver to go 2000 miles per hour." Cody answered. Bailey and I laughed. "Or, we can cut out the museums entirely and go straight to the beach." Zack said, taking the leaflet from Cody's hand and putting it on the table behind him. 

A little noise came from the smoothie counter and we all looked over. Cody's computer was on and someone was shoving his nose into the camera. "Uh, Cody, why do you have a giant nose screensaver?" Zack asked.

"That's Arwin calling. Hey Arwin!!" "Hey guys!" He said. "Arwin, back up. Your nose hairs look like a jungle."

"Sorry, hey hey do I have any bats in the cave?" He said, putting his nose to the screen again. "So you're the famous Arwin." Bailey said, smiling. "Guys, you didn't tell me there were girls there, I'm all up in my nose." He said, sounding upset. "Don't worry, they won't bite."

"I'm Bailey, and this is Y/n. I don't supposed the boys have mentioned us." Bailey explained and I waved. "Are you kidding? Bailey, Cody sent me a 9 page email just about your hair. And Y/n Zack is always telling me about you. They weren't wrong about you guys being beautiful." Bailey and I looked at the boys, weird. But I tried to tame the butterflies in my stomach. "Uh, that was a typo. I wasn't writing about Bailey's hair, it was supposed to say Daily Bear. Which is a column I write about bears....daily..." I looked over at Zack and raised my eyebrows. He just shrugged.

"I'm not denying it. You are beautiful." He said, smiling. I blushed. "Nice save Cody." Arwin whispered. "Hey, your mom told me that you're going to the museum of Greek antiquities. My cousin works there you gotta look him up. His name is Milos Hoccocopolus."

"Alright, uh, what's he like?" Zack asked. "Uh he's a little quirky, awkward, clumsy, nothing like me." Arwin answered, putting his arms behind his head. But his chair started tipping back. "Here we go." He said, as he fell to the ground. Ouch.


The next day, we were at the museum. "Wow, these artifacts are breathtaking." Bailey said in awe as we walked through the door. They were pretty cool. 

London went through statues telling herself she ws prettier than all of them. Zack and I walked up to one. "You know, you'd think in a place like this they could at least afford statues with arms." 

"Zack, they're thousands of years old." I told him. 

"Okay, they're arms with a little flab hanging down." He said, touching his own arm. I went over to a head and vase sculpture that Bailey was looking at. London came over and gasped. "What a hot guy." She said. 

"London you're surrounded by some of the world's most beautiful art. How could you be distracted by-" I was cut off because London turned me around using my head and wow. "Sweet potato pie." Bailey said. "I wouldn't mind looking for a penny in a haystack with him." Bailey said. "Me neither." I answered, staring at the guy. 

 He came over. "Hello, my name is Adonis. I will be your student tour guide. Come. Follow me." He said, pointing at my sister. She giggled and we walked behind him. She looked back at me and I gave her a thumbs up, smiling at her. 

We had just looked at some stuff in a case and then walked on. "Tomorrow we will be unveiling a new exhibit generously donated by Mr. Tipton." He explained. "My daddy." London pointed out. 

"It will feature the recently unearthed amulet of Aphrodite."

"Ooh! I love a good amulet. Especially with egg whites, filled with low fat cheese and mushrooms." London said. I face palmed. "London, that's an omelette." Bailey explained to her.  "An amulet is a necklace." I added.

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