3. Broke 'N' Yo-Yo

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Cody and I were watching Zack at the smoothie counter. He had just handed his student card to the guy to pay for smoothies for a bunch of girls. The student card is a thing we all got at the start of the year to pay for food, books and anything else that is necessary. "Man, do I love these student cash cards." He said to us. "Zack, you can only use it for meals, books, and other necessities." Cody explained.

"These ladies," Zack said, gesturing to the girls, "Are necessities. I can eat and read when I'm old." "Yeah, okay, don't come to me for my card when you run out. I swear. I will not be giving it to you."

"I'll show you a better way to impress women." Cody said, taking out a yo-yo. "Oh cool, a piece of plastic on a string." Zack mocked. I rolled my eyes.

Cody tapped Bailey's shoulder when she passed. "Hey Bailey, check out the new move I've been practicing for the string fling yo-yo competition." And Cody did a pretty cool trick with the yo-yo. "Cody, you're awesome." Bailey said smiling. But then a guy passed and we was doing crazier tricks. "No offence, but that made your trick look like a cow pie." Bailey said to Cody. Poor Cody. I know he has a crush on Bailey.

Zack came back to us then. "Who's the yo-yo with the yo-yo?" 

"That's Johan Yo." Cody answered. I held back a laugh, that name was way too fake sounding to be true. "He's won eight gold medals at the Yolympics." 

"So you're toast." Zack said, trying to sum up the situation. "Not if I master my new trick. I call it the Round The Universe String Theory." He tried it and ended up flicking a girl's smoothie and it fell on her lap.

"Was that supposed to happen?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. Oh my god. Cody said yes and she just brushed it off and walked away. I looked at her in confusion. Are Bailey and I the only actually smart ones on this ship?


I was sitting on a chair at the Sky Deck. Zack was beside me on another one. 

Cody came up to us. "Hey Zack, Y/n, other than this minor injury, I think I'm getting the hang of this thing."

"Yeah if smack the face is a trick, you've won first place." I said. Zack laughed. "Hey Y/n, wanna try chocolate covered lobster?" He asked. "Ew no." I said, disgusted, then added, "Zack, you shouldn't be wasting the money on your student cash card to buy stupid stuff." 

"It's not stupid stuff." Zack said, as a worker came up to him with a bag of golf clubs. "Here's your monogrammed gold clubs." 

"And why are you bringing them to me and not my robot Caddy?" Zack asked. "Really Zack? It's not stupid stuff? Do you even play golf?" I asked him, and he shrugged, holding up his hands. The guy walked away again. He will run out and I will not be giving him my money to keep buying stupid things.


Zack now works in the smoothie bar and Cody works as a towel boy, because surprise, Zack spent his entire student cash card, and then stole Cody's and spent all of the money on his too. I laughed at the two of them, mostly Zack because it was his fault and I felt bad for Cody.

Cody had trouble trying to juggle a job and trying to practice with the Yoyo. Zack came up with the idea of juggling the two jobs while Cody practices because he needs to win this competition. And to be honest Zack managed it. He came up with an invention. A towel canon. Pretty cool if you ask me. 

Bailey arrived on the Sky Deck. She was standing properly this time. London made her sleep on a literal shelf in their dorm and she came down and couldn't stand properly, she was hunched dover with severe pains in her back. But after she told us what happened Zack told her to trick London into switching beds, not anything harmful but just enough for her to believe it and switch beds. And she must have managed to do so.

"Cool towel gizmo, where'd you get it?" Bailey asked him. "It was a confetti canon. I borrowed it from the ship's party planner." Zack announced proudly. 

"The same way you 'borrowed' Cody's meal card?" Bailey asked rolling her eyes. "Pretty much." Zack admitted. "So, I see you're standing up straight, you decided to trick London?" He asked. "I wouldn't say trick exactly." Bailey said, as London ran by screaming that sea snarks were coming to get her. "Okay, maybe a little trick. Am I a bad person?" Bailey asked. I shook my head. She was not a bad person. "No, I think you did the right thing." Zack answered. "Then why do I feel so guilty?"

"Because you are." Zack said. "Zack, if you were closer to me right now and not behind that counter I would kick you so hard." I said to him. He shut up instantly. 

Cody ended up winning the yo-yo competition. Johan Yo was actually a professional, and because this was an amateur competition, Cody won. We were all very happy for him. Zack kind of ruined the thing at the end though because his towel gun malfunctioned, and shot the towels, and then oranges fell into it, and broke windows and stuff. And Zack and Cody ended up having to keep their jobs as towel boy and smoothie boy to pay for the damages. 

Sorry it's so short, there wasn't much to write about XD 

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