18. Splash & Trash

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Zack was smoothies to Woody to see if he could guess what was in them. "Okay, you'll never guess this one." Zack said happily, putting the smoothie down in front of Woody. He was blindfolded. 

"Hmm, mango, banana, orange...zest." Woody said, then Zack getting annoyed because he thought Woody wouldn't actually get it. "Cinnamon, tuna fish, and you dipped your toe in it." 

"Which foot?" Zack asked. "Right foot." "Which toe." Zack asked. "Pinky." Woody said, wow it actually freaks me out that he knows that. "You are a freak!!" Zack said, excitedly. 

Then we heard a girl's voice say "HELP!" I followed Zack and Woody. "Cody, what's wrong now?!" Zack said annoyed. "That wasn't Cody that was a girl." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"I think it's coming from the ocean." Woody said, and we ran to the side of the boat and looked over the barrier. "Woah, it is a girl." Zack said. "That's what I said!" I pointed out.

"Floating on garbage!" Cody said, annoyed. "There's a girl in a bathing suit and you're focused on the garbage?!" Zack asked. 

We helped her onto the boat. 


"So, what's your name?" Zack asked. "I don't know." She said. Oh, I hope she's okay. "Okay, uh, where are you from?" Moseby asked. "I really don't remember anything."

"Okay, amnesia." Moseby confirmed. 

Woody said he's always wanted to go there and that he loves the tropics. "That's Polynesia Woody." I said. 

"Amnesia is memory lost often caused by a tragic event." Moseby explained. 

"Oh hey, I know your name. It's Merissa." Zack said. "How do you know? Do I know you?" She asked. "It's written on the back of your bathing suit." Zack said.

Moseby then brought Merissa to get some clothes, seeing as she'll be staying with us until we can figure out who she is.

"There's something weird about that girl." Woody said. 


I walked onto the Sky Deck and Zack was handing out smoothies. Woody came over to him. "Zack! Y/n!" We turned around and Woody was there, holding a book. "Look, frinyman417 clearly states that mermaids have tails when wet and feet when dry." Woody explained. Zack looked up at Woody. "It's a comic book!" He said. 

"Exactly." Woody said, trying to prove his point. Which I don't know what that is because I have no idea what this is all about.

"Do you also believe that lobster boy can really shoot melted butter out of his eyes?"

"Only when he's steamed." Woody said, scoffing. 

"This does not prove that Merissa is a mermaid." Zack said. "Woah, hold up that's what this is about? Woody you think that Merissa is a mermaid? Are you kidding?!" I asked. 

"I do. And I'll get you proof. I have my number one agent on the case." Woody said.  "What agent?" Zack asked. We looked over and London was wearing a hat and a jacket. She put on glasses.

"London's your agent?" I asked. "Yep!" I jumped, London had appeared behind me. "But while I'm under cover, it's not London, it's 00$. Isn't this a great disguise? After I put it on, I didn't even recognize myself!!" She said, smiling. 

"00$, what intelligence have you gathered?" Woody asked. "Of all people you turn to London for intelligence?" Zack asked. 

"Yes! I followed the target into the spa, and got the proof you asked for. Merissa got a seaweed wrap!!" 

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