6. International Dateline

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We were sitting in Geography and Ms. Tutweiler pointed at the board. "London, can you tell me what this is?" "A bad manicure?" London guessed, not even skipping a beat.

"No," Ms. T answered, but looked back at her hand. "Oh, ew. Okay, has anyone heard of the international dateline?"

"What you say to a French girl so she'll go out with you?" Woody guessed. "No, it's an imaginary line created in 1884. To the East of which the day is a day earlier than it is to the West." Bailey explained.

"So," Cody continued. "When you  cross the dateline, you have to turn your clocks back 24 hours. A full day."

"Correct." Ms. T said, clapping. "Yay. Which is what we are going to do tonight."

"That works for me." Zack said. "Because if tomorrow is gonna be today again, then today is actually yesterday which means that yesterday's homework isn't due today, it's really due tomorrow." Zack finished, looking proud of himself. 

"In other words you didn't do your homework?" Ms. T asked. "Yet." Zack added. Ms. T just rolled her eyes. Her patience with him is astronomical.


I was hanging in Zack's room when Cody came in. He was hyperventilating. Zack and I laughed. "Dude, you're crying. Chick-flick marathon or cooking with onions?" Zack assumed. "Neither. Woody has been cutting the cheese for the past hour."

"Is that what that was? Zack and I thought it was the ship's fog horn." I said. "Our room is filled with noxious gas. One spark and the entire ship will could blow up." 

"It better not. I'm DJ-ing the dance tonight. Now which style do you like better? There is wolf man Zack," and he howled. "Yeah this is wolf man Zack spinnin' the hits yesterday today and tomorrow baby." He said, in a really weird voice.

"Or, yo yo yo this is grand master Zack  kickin' it old school with the wheels of steel. Wiki wiki wiki wiki mmm hmmm." He continued, and I tried not to laugh.

"Hope there's a third choice." Cody said. "But, if you're DJ-ing tonight, I need you to play a slow song for Bailey and me."

"We didn't know there was a Bailey and you. Is there? I hope there is I think you guys would be so cute together." I said, freaking out. "There will be. Tonight, I'm gonna make my move and get out of the friend zone."

Zack scoffed loudly. "Good luck. Once you're in the friend zone, there's no getting out. Hey it's like the maze on the kiddy menu at Benny's." Zack said. 

"Most 4-year-olds can do those." Cody said, looking at his brother. "Nuh uh, no matter which way the horsy goes he always runs into a cactus." 

"Not with this cowboy in saddle, tonight, when the mood is right and we're dancing under the moonlight I'm gonna make my move." Cody said, smiling. Good. He has no idea but I can tell Bailey likes him. The porthole of the cabin opened. It was raining really heavily outside. 

"You can forget that 'under the moonlight' thing, they're probably gonna move the dance inside." Zack said, doing something on his computer. There was a huge bang, making me jump and the three of us looked towards the door. 

There was a noise of a door opening and closing and then Woody opened the door of Zack's room and looked like he was electrocuted. 

"What happened to you?" Zack asked. "I don't know. I shuffled across the floor, touched the doorknob, there was a flash, and then all of a sudden, the room smelt like burn baloney." 

"Maybe you should stay away from your room for a while Codes." I said, patting his shoulder. 


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