12. The Mommy and the Swami

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Zack, Cody and I stepped out of the lift and walked over to Mr. Moseby because he called Cody over. "I have 300 guests coming on board from India and my computer keeps shutting down."

"That sounds like every girl after Cody talks to them." Zack said, making Cody look at him and me giggle a bit but stop because Cody glares at me. 

"Sorry I'd love to help, but Zack, Y/n and I are off on a trek up Mount Kanchenjunga; the 4th highest mountain in the world. After Everest, K2 and the pile of dirty laundry in Zack's cabin." Cody said. "Anyway, we're off on a search for the world's preeminent yoga master Swami Banu Kapatu. I've studied his sachties, memorized his mantras, contemplated his cumbaca." He finished. "I looked him up on the web! He wears a funny hat." Zack smiled, proudly. I smiled at him. He's so adorable.

"Cody I find it admirable that you're pursuing spiritual enlightenment. Y/n, I'm sure that's the reason you're going." Moseby said. I nodded. "Zack why the heck are you going?" He asked. 

"Because Y/n's going. And Cody says we're going to find Nirvana. They're a good band." Zack said walking off.

"We're going to tell him Nirvana's not there after we reach the top of the mountain." I said and Moseby nodded as Cody and I left. 


We reached the top of the mountain. "That was the most exhilarating climb of my life!" Cody exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. Zack came crawling in moments later.

I walked over and held him up by the waist as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I held his other hand. 

"I need to go back." He said, wheezing. "I think I dropped a lung."

"Wow, isn't this place amazing? Can't you just feel that energy?" Cody asked, looking around at the temple. "I can't even feel my legs. Plus there's nowhere comfortable to just lie down and die." Zack said. 

"This center is designed for function. Not comfort. In order to achieve enlightenment, one must brace simplicity and give up their worldly possessions."

"Oh I am not giving up my cell phone I just downloaded the funky frog ringtone." Zack said, taking out his phone and playing it. I smiled. He's so adorable. I can't.

"Put that away." Cody said suddenly as we saw someone enter the room. "There he is. That's him, Swami Banu Kapatu." 

"His hat's even funnier in person." Zack giggled. We walked over to him. "Namaste. Swami Banu Kapatu." Cody said, bowing. 

"Yo Yogi. Where's BooBoo?" Zack asked. "Wow. First time I've ever heard that one." Swami said sarcastically. "Welcome. I see you have made the journey of the foot and the spirit to my humble sanctuary. What do you seek?"

"Uh, right now? The men's room." Zack answered, making Cody grab him and shove him behind. "We've come to study your yogic teachings." Cody explained.

"Then you've arrived at the perfect time." Swami answered and clapped. "A class is about to begin."

A bunch of men came into the room. "Uh, where are all the girls?" I asked. "This class is strictly male. It makes it easier to focus on your higher self." Swami answered. "And yes I do realize that you are not male, but I suppose you can join the class just this once." He answered, I smiled. "Thank you sir." I answered.


We were finishing up the yoga class. "Very good. Now, we finish with the corpse pose." Swami instructed.

"That I can do." Zack said tiredly as he lay down on his back. "Namaste. I hope I have helped you on the path to enlightenment." 

"Absolutely. This has been a life altering experience." Cody said to Swami as I nodded in agreement. "Thank you. And may your path to Nirvana be as smooth as the pebbles in the great river Ganges."

"And may my spine some day regain it's original shape." Zack said, not standing up completely straight. 

"Oh uh, one thing, I'm afraid the path to enlightenment is a tole road. The class fee is twenty dollars." 

"Oh of course." Cody said, taking out his money. I walked over to my bag and took out twenty dollars and walked back to Swami and handed it to him. "And mat rental..the same." I got another 20 dollars and handed it to him. "And a little something for the musician over there...you rock Reggie!!!"

I gave him another twenty. 


We were sitting on the floor, drinking lemonade. Well, Zack and Cody were. I brought water. "6 bucks for lemonade?" Zack questioned. "Well, it's a little steep, but you get to keep the cool Swami sippy cup." 

"Alright everyone, don't forget to buy your Swami merchandise. Perhaps a t-shirt, "My Yogi bends over backwards for me"?" We stood up.

"Um, excuse me Swami, I couldn't help but notice that you seem to be doing a lot of business here. I mean, video games?" 

"Cool, Sitar Hero." Zack said, as he picked up a game box. "Why are you selling all of this stuff?" I asked. 

"Well, there is a lot of cost in the upkeep of a center. Plus, people like it." Swami said, smiling proudly of himself.

"Come on Cody and Y/n, let's blow this tourist trap." Zack said. "Oh, you cannot leave now. Night is when the cobra's come out." Swami said, jumping at us, making us jump back. "It is too dangerous to leave until morning."

"What are we going to do?" I asked, Zack and Cody. "You are welcome to stay here."

"Oh thank you." Cody said. "150 for the mountain view, 200 for the call package."

"We're out of cash." Zack said, angrily. "No problem my little disciples, we can work something out." Swami answered happily. And we did.

We were mopping the floor. "All this sweat is disgusting." Cody complained. "Well, mop it up or sleep in it cause that's where our beds go." I answered. 


My eyes fluttered a little bit and I felt a bit of weight on my waist. I looked down and it was Zack's arm. I smiled. The we heard hums. "Where's the snooze bar?" Zack asked, using his other arm to reach up and then hit something. "Ow." 

We sat up and were surrounded by guys doing yoga. "We are having our sunrise meditation class and did not want to wake you." Swami explained. 

"Couldn't you save your sunrise class for noon?" Zack asked. "There is still room in the class if you wish to join, only 35 dollars." And then Cody got up. 

"No! We're our of money." Zack and I got up too. "I came here for spiritual enlightenment and so did Y/n and the only thing that's been enlightened is our wallets."

"Then you have learned a valuable lesson."

"Oh, I get it. This has all been for some higher purpose. You know I knew you would come through for us. What did we learn?" 

"Never climb a mountain without a credit card." 

"Come on Zack and Y/n, it's a long trek down the mountain."

"For 9 dollars you can take the cable car." Swami said. 

"There's a cable car?!?" Zack asked Cody angrily. 

"Well it doesn't matter because we're broke anyway." Cody answered. 

"Well, if it's money you're in need of, I can provide employment." 

We ended up working for the call centre in the place and Mr. Moseby called. I'm pretty sure it was a tech support call centre and he was having trouble with his computer earlier so he obviously needed help. And let's just say Moseby was really surprised to hear Cody answer a phone.

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