4. The Kidney of the Sea

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London is preparing for her dog to arrive on the ship. One of my cousins was actually arriving on the ship too. I saw her and walked over to her, hugging her. "How are you?" She asked, playing with my hair. "I'm okay. How are you Violet." I shrugged. 

Suddenly I saw a cake flying in my direction and braced myself for impact, clinging to my cousin. But it never happened. I got out of my huddled position, and saw that Zack had jumped in and got hit instead.

"You saved my cousin." I rolled my eyes playfully. It's not like it would have killed me. "It's no big deal. I've still got less gunk in my hair than that guy." Zack  answered, and pointed to a guy behind them. Violet laughed. "Zack, that cake was supposed to be for Yvanna." London said, walking up to us. 

"That would explain the liver frosting." Zack said. I cringed. Ew. I took a tissue out of my pocket and started wiping his face. "Here Yvanna, try some." London said, sticking Yvanna in Zack's face and let her lick the frosting from it. It was kinda cute to see a small dog licking Zack's face. 

I was still wiping frosting off of Zack's face. "Is that a freckle or a sprinkle?" I asked, wiping the side of Zack's face. "Actually that's my eye." Zack said, looking at me. "Ooh sorry." 

"You got frosting on my flipflop." The guy with the gunk in his hair said. "Dude, 5 second rule, you can still eat that." Zack said. "Keep wiping buddy and it'll come off. It's frosting. Not gum." I said, trying to defend Zack. "Would you rather have the frosting land on your head or your girlfriend's instead?" I asked. He said nothing. I smiled to myself. He's still dating my cousin I see...

"Towel boy!!" He said, calling to Cody. "That would be me. Tragically." Cody answered, throwing him a towel. "Actually I'm a student here on the ship. And my brother maxed out my student cash card."

"Don't care, I asked for towel boy not boring story boy." Ashton told him rudely. Ugh, still the same I see. 

"It's not boring if you wait till the end." Cody whined, and walked off. "Why don't you two join us for dinner tonight in the grand dining room. Doesn't that sound nice Ashton?" 

"For them maybe, you might enjoy eating with utensils for a change." Ashton said. I rolled my eyes. "Dude, when it gets stuck in my nails it makes for a nice snack later." Zack answered. "Zack, please, that's disgusting." I said. 

"You know he's not kidding right?" We all turned and Cody had a horrified expression on his face. "So you'll join us?" The girl asked. "Yes!! I haven't seen you in ages!! I missed you." I said, smiling, and Zack looked confused. "She's my cousin." I explained. "Violet, this is Zack, my friend, Zack this is Violet." I introduced. 

"I'm late for palates." Ashton said, and took Violet away. I sighed. Still as rude as ever.  


Zack and I arrived at the dinner. His suit was a little big for him. "Ladies, gentlemen, Ashton.." Zack said when he arrived. "Zack, Y/n, you guys clean up nice."   

"Well, only because I'm lucky that m brother has 8 different kinds of suits." He answered. He looked over at Violet's mother. "You must be Violet's sister." Wow, smooth.

"Oh please." Ashton said, rolling his eyes. "Ssh, let the boy talk." The woman said, and I smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Burke." He said, shaking her hand. "Nice tux. Maybe you'll grow into it one day." I rolled my eyes. He was really starting to annoy me. We had a night full of insults towards Zack and then he took out a beautiful necklace. Wow.

He gave it to Violet. Then he took Violet away. "Isn't that a lovely gift?" Her mother asked. I nodded. "Y/n how have you been since your parents' accident?" My aunt asked. I looked at Zack who was looking at me with shocked eyes. Damnit. I was hoping to wait a while before telling him. "Um, I'm okay, taking each day at a time." I answered. 

"Hey I forgot I had something for you." Zack said, and handed me a candy bracelet. I smiled. "Thank you." I giggled. He smiled back. Thank god he didn't ask me. 


Zack and I went to the banquet later for Violet's mother's birthday the next day. I was sitting on the stools at the smoothie bar. Zack was juicing an orange when Ashton came over. I looked at my smoothie and rolled my eyes. Oh here we go. "Look, I know how hard it is to put fruit in a blender and push a button. But this isn't a smoothie. It's a lumpy." He said rudely. Zack took it from him giving him a face and turned to make it not a 'lumpy'. I saw Ashton sneak something into Zack's pocket. The necklace. Zack turned back and handed the smoothie to Ashton. "Here you are. Enjoy your drink." He said, making a face. "Oh there's an empty table right behind you." Zack said, picking up a straw and licking both sides when Ashton turned around to look at the empty table. He walked off with the smoothie. "Excuse me a second." I got up and walked behind Ashton. "Hey." I said, making him jump. "What do you want little girl."

"What I want, is for you to take that necklace out of Zack's pocket." I said, glaring at him. "I didn't do such thing. How dare you accuse me of something like that." I rolled my eyes. "Come closer." I said. He leaned closer. "Closer, closer." I said, until my mouth was at his ear. "I know what you're up to. And you're not gonna get away with this. Zack is a good friend of mine and he'd never do something like this. So you're gonna take that necklace back or I swear to god. You're a terrible person and I don't know what Violet sees in you. She deserves better." I said angrily. He pulled away and looked at me. I jumped forward a bit and he jumped. Was he actually scared of me? Nice. I smiled sweetly at him. "Nice talking to you." I said, and walked back to Zack. Hey Zack, I'm cold, can I borrow your jacket?" He nodded and put it over my shoulders. I reached into the pocket and held the necklace in my hand. At that point, Violet was walking over to Ashton. So I got up and walked over to them, sneaking the necklace back into Ashton's pocket. I smirked. 

Then there was this whole commotion about the necklace. Ashton tried to convince everyone that it was stolen. Then Ashton went further and accused Zack of being a theif. No, no way. "Woah, woah back up. You wanna see what's in my pockets? I'll show you what's in my pockets. In this pocket, I have a half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and in this pocket I have, damnit, nothing. I thought I had a brownie." 

"That's right he didn't steal it. Mr. Perfect put it into his pocket when Zack turned to fix his "lumpy" smoothie. I saw it. Then I put it back in Ashton's pocket." I said, crossing my arms. Zack looked at me in shock, I didn't look at him yet. "What, you did no-" He stopped mid-sentence when his eyes widened and he pulled the necklace out of his pocket. I smirked at him, raising my eyebrows. 

"Ashton what was it doing in your pocket?!" Violet asked. "Uh, well, uh...." Got you now bro. 

"You stole the necklace to try and frame Zack! I saw you put it in his jacket!!" I said, angry. 

"Yes, and I would have gotten away with it weren't for you meddling kids and your dog!!" He said, running. "I'll get him!!" Zack said, running. Ashton ended up landing on cake. 

"No! I'm wearing silk!" He said, upset. Cody gave him some advice on how to take it out. Classic Cody. And Zack ended up in the hot tub. "Zack! Get out!!" I called. "I can't. Tell my family I love them." He said, and I nodded, holding his hand. "I will."

"Oh come on, you're in a hot tub! Just stand up!" Mr. Moseby said, getting annoyed. 

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