20. Cruisin' For A Bruisin'

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We were all looking at the killer whales in the sea. "Ooh wait, jump back, that's my humpback!" Kirby said, excitedly, coming down the stairs to the Sky Deck and standing with us. We were looking through binoculars to see the whales properly. "A large man meets a large fish." He said, looking through his binoculars. 

"According to my fluke photos, they're killer whales." Cody said to Kirby. 

"I always thought whales were supposed to be big." London said from beside us. "Those are so tiny." Zack looked at her. "Here, try this." He said, turning the binoculars around. She was looking through the big lenses. "Oh my gosh they're huge! I love these magic glasses!" 

"Man, you need a lost of  mesquite to grill one of them up." Kirby said. "Kirby, these magnificent creatures are endangered."

"No wonder if they taste as good as they look." Kirby said, and Cody looked like he wanted to hit him. 

He stopped when he saw Cody glaring at him. "I'm sorry buddy." He said. 

"Now you've made me hungry." Zack complained. "Come on babe, let's go get food. My treat." I said, grabbing Zack's hand and we went off to get some food. "Can we get 3 o'clock ice cream after? It's so much better than the 2:30 ice cream." I sighed. "Fine."


Zack and I came to visit Mr. Moseby. "Oh awesome, you know if you had one eye twice as big as the other and a macaroni mouth, you'd look just like my 1st grade art project." Zack said, making a face. 

"London decided to be-sparkle me." Moseby said. He was covered in gems. "Don't worry, we'll de-be-sparkle you." Zack said, pulling a gem off of his face, making Moseby say ow. "You know, I'm really sorry you got hurt." Zack said, taking another one off of Moseby's face, making him make a noise, because it hurt.

"But let's face it, you are a little clumsy." Zack said, taking one from his forehead. "And you're a little annoying. Y/n how do you put up with him." Moseby said.

"You get used to it." I smiled, kissing Zack's cheek. "Hand me the phone, I need to call catering and check on Captain Lunsford's tribute. Let's go." Moseby said, pointing at the phone. "No can do King Wassabi. Let me tell you what nurse mustache said; she said that if I let you make a work call, she'll rip off my ear and sow it back on." Zack said. "Upside down." Zack added. "Ew." Moseby said. "Yes she is a little scary. She checks your heart rate by reaching inside your chest."

"Well, to take your mind off of all of that, we brought a game." Zack took out two long sticks. One of them lights up and the other is a sword. "Dragon quest!" He said. 

"Ooh, I haven't played DQ since our days at the hotel." Moseby said, happily. "I need thy help, Jengo Darkblade." Zack said. "For the planes of Vonath are overrun with sand ogres." 

Moseby gasped. "Alas it is a dark day Multac." "Your sword Jengo." Zack said, throwing it to Moseby but it hitting him. "Ooh that's gotta hurt." Zack said.


Zack and Cody broke the ship in a bottle so now they have to get it fixed. Kirby and Cody left Zack's room to search the ship. 

"Cody and I will search the ship. You two stay here and try and find someone to fix it." The door closed. 

"So basically, we need someone who's good working with tweezers." I said.  

"Hello? These eyebrows don't happen by themselves." London said, and so we got her to fix it. And she did. And we got it back to the tribute party for Captain Lunsford.

Then we all got crushed. We ended up cushioning Kirby and Moseby's fall. So we were all so injured. London was reading to us. "London, please stop. I can't take anymore of Goldilocks and the three Butlers." Cody complained and then she started it all over again. We all groaned. This was going to be a long day.

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