5. Showgirls

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We were sitting in class listening to Woody's project. But he was actually describing a movie plot. "And then, the dude punches the shark in the face." Woody said, lunging forward with his fist towards Bailey making her jump back. "And surfs this killer tube all the way back to Honolulu. Where he and his hula babe feast on o paca paca. With cheese." He finished and we clapped, some of us, confused, but we still clapped. 

Woody headed back to his seat and Ms. Tutweiler stopped him. "Woody, this is a class on world culture. You were supposed to do a report on a city, not some low-budget surfer flick."

"Hey, Waves of Terror was very educational." Woody argued. "I learned about waves and terror." "Well you're terrifying me. Sit." She said and got up and stood in front of us. "Hawaii is in fact a beautiful state. With a rich history and a wealth of natural resources. Now who can name one of the chief exports or Hawaii." Bailey, Cody and I's hands shot up. "Ms. Tutweiler looked at London. "London?".

"Heh?" She said, and stopped filing her nails. "Can you name one of the chief exports of Hawaii." London scoffed. "Hawaians." She said, licking her finger and making a check mark in the air. "How about coffee?" Ms. Tutweiler pressed.

"Oh please I would love a cup. Make it a non fat decaf with cinnamon sprinkles." London answered. "Do I look like a waitress." Ms. Tutweiler questioned. "Never mind." She said when London was about to answer. "Ah a traditional fur ushanka. You must be doing your report on the icy capital of Yakutsk of Siberia's soccer Republic." Cody said, turning to Zack. 

 I looked at him and shook my head. "He's not." I said. Zack listed up the ear flaps on the hat and there were headphones on his ears. "Close. I'm listening to the Red Socks game." And then put the flaps down and put a finger to his lips, keeping Cody quiet.

"Okay, the next report is on.." "Please say kettle pot, please say kettle pot." Bailey said to herself and put on her hat. "Tokyo." Ms. Tutweiler said.

A kid got up and put a balaclava on. "Okay don't even bother coming up here if everything you're about to say is from Ninja Zombies 3." Ms. Tutweiler warned. The kid hung his head and turned around to sit back down. "You people should be ashamed of yourselves, do you think this class is a joke?" Ms. Tutweiler asked, annoyed. "YES!!!!" We all turned to look at the back of the class where Zack had stood up in his chair, his arms up in the air. Ms. Tutweiler looked at him. "Unless the right answer is no." He said, trying to save himself. 


Bailey and I were sitting at the smoothie bar on the Sky Deck and  Cody came back with two smoothies, one for him and the other for Bailey. "I can't believe Ms. Tutweiler didn't let me give my report on Kettlepot. I had pie charts. Made of actual pie." Beside me, Zack turned around and looked scared. 

"Oops." He said. We all turned to him. "If it's any consolation, your homework, delicious." He put the pie on the counter. "Well, you better go tell Ms. Tutweiler that you ate my A+." Bailey told and we all turned back and saw Ms. Tutweiler and Mr. Moseby laughing. "Looks like she's busy with Moseby." Cody said. "Yeah, look at those two. Do you think they're courtin'?" Bailey said. Zack stood up and stood next to us. "First of all, no one's been 'courtin' since uh 1922, which by the way was the last time Moseby had a date." He said. "Math isn't your strong suit is it Zack?" I asked, making everyone laugh, and Zack shook his head. "Nope." He said, smiling.

 Bailey went over to London. They starting singing and stopped because London couldn't spell kissing. "Please, the only one Moseby has kissed in the past 30 years was his mother. And even she's not too thrilled about it." Cody said, playing with his smoothie. I smiled. 

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