10. Boo You

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Cody and I just watched as Zack adjusted ropes. Kids were chanting Zack over and over again. "Now performing, a backwards, body dunking, grab a fish bungee jump, Zack Martin!" 

"Look, I can't let you do this. Even though I would love to inherit your single cabin." Cody said. "Cody please, if Houdini's brother didn't let him do stunts, where would he be?" Zack asked, resting a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Alive!" Cody and I said together. 

"Bad example. Now stand back. I'm about to make history." But thankfully, he didn't get to because Kirby grabbed him. "Boy, this is dangerous and stupid. What are you thinking?" Kirby asked. "I'll take this one." Cody assured. He looked at Kirby. "Nothing."

"I'm not letting you do this Zack." Kirby said. "Kirby, Kirby please. If Houdini's security guard didn't let him do stunts, where would he be?" Zack asked. "Alive?!" Kirby said in disbelief. "I need a new hypothetical." Zack said. 

He tried to go again but Kirby still held him and took him off the table and took all the ropes off. Kirby tried to take the rope off the side of the ship while Zack and Cody struggled and fought to get the ropes off. "I don't need your help." Zack said, pulling away and then went back a bit and hit Kirby, making him fall overboard. But luckily he bounced back up because of the ropes and then landed in the hot tub. We ran over to him. "Kirby, are you okay?" Cody asked.

"I hate sushi." He said, shaking his head.


Zack, Cody and I went for a walk while they were on their break from their jobs. Kirby stopped us as we got outside of where Senior Bingo was on. "Sorry guys, no one under 75 allowed." He said. "We're not here to play bingo Kirby."

"We're here because you know we felt bad about the bungee thing and we wanted to make it up to you." Zack explained. "You brought me a sandwich." Kirby guessed smiling. 

"Uh, no." Zack said. "Anyways, we were checking the job listing board which, I do every hour on the hour since I hate being towel boy; thank you Zack." 

"You're welcome." Zack said. "And we noticed an opening for executive security guard." He said. 

"And we thought you'd be perfect for it." I finished. "Thanks guys. But I like my job there's never a dull moment." He said, as an old lady passed by with a zimmer frame and one of the legs went right onto his foot, making him groan in pain.

"See? Danger around every corner." 

"Look, this is a great opportunity for you Kirby." Cody said.

"I know but the money would bump me into a higher tax price and I don't think my accountant would recommend it." Kirby said. "I'm your accountant." Cody answered. "And I recommend it." 

"The truth is, I don't meet the job requirements. I never finished high school."

"Really?" I asked, sadly. "Yeah I had to leave early to help support my family."

"Lucky." Zack said, but Cody pushed him behind him and spoke to Kirby. I held Zack's hand. "Kirby, it's never too late to get your diploma. You could take the GED test."

"Yeah but it's been years since I learned that stuff. How am I supposed to catch up?"


Kirby joined our class the next day. He looked like he was struggling. "Are you doing okay Kirby?" Cody asked. "As soon as I can feel my legs, I'll let you know." He answered, and continued struggling. 

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