16. Mom & Dad On Deck

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Zack and Cody's parents are coming on the boat today. I'm kind of nervous. I hope they like me. Seeing as I'm dating one of their sons. 

Their parents aren't together so they're coming at different times. "Do you see dad yet?" Cody asked Zack. "Not yet. I can't wait. A whole week of just guy stuff!" Zack said, excitedly. "No offence babe, I see you all the time." Zack said, panicking because he thought he hurt my feelings. "Zack's it's fine. It's your Dad, I'd be excited too. I'm not gonna be mad because you wanna hang out with your dad." I said, smiling. 

"What did I do to deserve you." He asked. I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

Cody put hand sanitizer on his hand. "Please try not to un-guy it." Zack complained, looking at his brother. "Oh don't worry. I went with a musk hand sanitizer." Cody said, in the attempt to console his brother that he's not gonna un-guy it. 

"Musk." He repeated, shoving it in Zack's face but then rubbing it on his hands. 

"Hey guys!" A guy came in. "DAD!!!" The two boys screamed, running to him and hugging him. It was very endearing to watch. "You look great." He said, as they pulled away. "Wait, something smells like a zoo." Their dad said. Cody grabbed his hand sanitizer and hid it. "Anyway, I'm a little late but my cab driver..she was hot." Their dad said. I see they get the fondness of girls from their dad.

"Nice. Did you get the digits?" Zack asked. His dad held up a piece of paper. "So are you boys.." He started, but they looked at him "pardon me....men," He corrected him, making Zack say yes, "ready for a crazy guys weekend?" He asked. 

They nodded and got excited. Then he went on a rant about eating junk food and then when he started saying "scoping out the hot-" The two boys went "Mom?" at the same time and we looked over. "Hot moms?" Their dad said in confusion. "Surprise!" Their mom said.

Their Dad handed the piece of paper to Zack and he handed it to Cody. "I'll see you later Zack. You seem to have a lot going on right now." I smiled, hugging him. "Woah hey Zack, who's this lovely lady?" His dad asked, ignoring their mom completely. "Uh Dad, this is my girlfriend Y/n, Y/n this is my dad." Zack introduced us. "Nice to meet you sir." I smiled, shaking his hand. 

"Well, I gotta go, but enjoy your family reunion." I smiled, but my arm was pulled back and lips crashed onto mine. "Bye." Zack said, when he pulled away. I smiled. "Bye." I said, and walked away.


London found me and we were just walking through the ship. We overheard that it was Moseby's birthday. "Moseby it's your birthday?!" London asked. "Wait, you have a birthday?! Since when?" She asked in shock. 

"Pretty much since the day I was born." Moesby answered. "Hence the term; birthday.

"Oh I never put that together." London said. "So how old are you?" 

"Age is just a number." Moseby said. "I have a feeling I can't count that high."

"Now then that's just the cherry on top of the birthday cake that I didn't get." Moseby said. 

London mocked him saying "who's a sad birthday boy" in a weird voice. "I gotta go. But Moseby I'm sure London and I will get your an amazing present for your birthday." I said, and walked away. I heard her ask something about ponies and then Moseby say he doesn't ride ponies and then London said something about them being scary.

I walked onto the Sky Deck and saw Zack and Cody having food with their parents. "Hey Y/n come over here!" Zack said. "No I'm okay I don't want to intrude." I said. "No it's okay Y/n, sweetheart, we have plenty of room." Their mom, who I later learned her name was Carrie said. And their Dad is named Kurt. I walked over and grabbed a chair and sat beside Zack. 

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