15. Shipnotized

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I was sitting at the smoothie bar drinking a smoothie and Zack was taking an order from two people. Cody was standing beside me. "Cody you okay? You look like you just saw someone murder a tiny helpless animal." I said. Zack came back over. 

"Dude, do you know who you were just talking to?" He asked Zack. "The guys sunbathing in a suit and tie? Wait let me guess the president of the I like to sweat club." Zack answered. I giggled. It was kind of true. Who could wear a suit in this heat?

"No, that's Monroe Cabitt. The Dean of admissions at Harvard University." Cody said, in awe. "I'd do anything to make a good impression on him." 

Zack grabbed the smoothie that was given to him. "Consider it done." Zack said in thought. "Grab a towel." Zack instructed to Cody. "Why? What are you going to do?" Cody asked, panicking. 

"I'm getting you into Harvard." Zack smiled slyly and walked over. This will either go really good or really bad. 

He walked over. "Here is your prune madness, uh oh I'm tripping." He said, and poured the smoothie on the Dean. "Oh if only someone had a towel!" Zack prayed to the sky, and that was Cody's cue to come in. 

Cody managed to make a good impression. "How do you know who my father is?" Olivia asked. "Quiet Olivia, I'll handle this. How do you know who I am?" Mr. Cabitt asked. "He knows everything there is to know about Harvard. Go ahead Cody, tell them how many bricks there are in the Harvard yard." Zack said.

"81,204." Cody answered proudly. "I went there last summer. Counted 'em. Going to Harvard is my life's dream." 

"Well, Harvard can use bright young men like you." Mr Cabitt said, pointing at Cody.

"Thank you sir." Cody said, happily.  "And you-" Mr Cabitt said, looking at Zack. "I know, eugh." Zack said, cutting him off and I smiled, and rubbed his back. 


I walked onto the Sky Deck and found Zack. He was eating watermelon. "Hey Y/n, want some watermelon?" He asked, I smiled and sat down on the chair across from him. I took some watermelon. "Eat, and spit seeds into this towel." Zack said. 

"Wow, the towel boy must hate you." I joked, knowing it was Cody. "Yes." Cody said, taking to the towel as he walked by. 

I ate the watermelon piece that was in my hand. "Wow this is actually really sweet." 

"Well, if you like sweet, how about a date with me?" Zack asked. I smiled. "I'd love to go on a date with you." 

Olivia came over. "Hey Zack. Y/n." She said, looking at me, not in a nice way either might I add. I rolled my eyes. Zack saw it. Olivia looked over at Zack again.

"Zack, wanna go to the arcade later?" My eyes widened. Was she asking him out? "Uh, sorry Olivia but I've got a girlfriend." Zack said, pointing at me, and I waved and smiled sweetly. "But, I do have someone that your father will approve of and who's single." Zack said.

"You're going to become single and a boring stick in the mud?" Olivia asked. "No. Not when I can borrow one. Cody." Zack said, pointing over to Cody. 

"But I don't wanna date Cody." She said. "Too bad. He's my boyfriend and you're not going near him." I said. 

We walked over to Cody. Cody was throwing seeds in a bucket. "I hate Zack. I hate Zack. Hi Zack!" He said, smiling when he saw Zack standing in front of him. 

"Hey buddy, look I need you to date Olivia because she's trying to get between Y/n and I." Zack said. 

"But why?"

"Well her father likes you." I said. Cody got excited. "He does?! Oh joy!!" He went on a rant about how he'll tell Bailey and then we tuned out. They're not even together. But they will be I think. They'd be so cute together.

"Come on Zack let's go to the arcade." I said, taking Zack's hand, and dragging him away. "You jealous?" Zack asked. I shrugged. "A little. She's pretty." I said. Zack stopped and took my hands.

"I like you. She's pretty yes, but your gorgeous. Her personality is great but yours is amazing. It's you I like. You're not her." Zack assured me. I smiled. "Thank you." I whispered. "You're welcome. By the way I love your outfit today." Zack said, kissing me quickly and we headed to the arcade. 


I got ready for my date with Zack.

We danced for a little bit, then got mini hot dogs. It was great. Zack brought me back to my room.

"I had a great time Zack. This is one of the best dates I've ever been on. Before I met you there was not a lot of cute boys on the farm." I smiled. "I'm glad. Later babe." Zack said, kissing my cheek and the we went our separate ways and I went to sleep.


Zack and I were looking at the ocean. "The ocean is beautiful." I said, smiling. "So what are we doing tonight?" I asked. Zack looked over at me. "I don't know, how about this?" Zack asked, kissing me. 

We pulled away. I smiled. We headed to the Sky Deck. We haven't seen Cody for a while. "Here babe, I've got tickets to see that hypnotist guy." Zack said.

"Oh cool. Let's go." I said, and we headed to where it was being held. Cody and Olivia were actually there. Olivia was being put in a trance.

"When I snap my fingers, you will become a racecar." The hypnotist said and he clicked his fingers and Olivia ran around the room, acting like a racecar. "Uh oh, you have a flat tire." The guy said and Olivia started limping. 

London and Bailey were in there too. He got Olivia to stop. And then London argued that she couldn't be hypnotized but then she fell asleep. "When I click my fingers you'll become the person you really are. Not the person anyone else wants you to be. Get ready to become your real self." He clicked his fingers and they all became their normal selves again.

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