11. SeaHarmony

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Zack, London, Cody and I were having a race with little race cars. Zack was driving one for him and I, Cody had one and London had one. London's car won. 

"Yay race car driver me! I win I win!! More importantly, you lose you lose!!" She sang. "You know, I'm not a poor sport, but London you do have a bit of an unfair advantage." Cody said to her. London turned and high fived the professional race car driver that was driving her car. 

"Victory lap Dale!" Mr Moseby arrived and screamed. "My passengers should be able to be on a ship without being hit by a car." He said, angrily. "Don't worry, I'm insured." London said, smiling. 

"These people are here to enjoy a singles cruise. The last thing they want is to be around children. That's why they're still single." 

"Mr Moseby?" Ms. T appeared. "My apologies, you realise this was not my doing."

"I know. It's the doing of the people who should be doing their homework." 

"Guys I told you we shouldn't be doing this." Zack said, trying to throw us under the bus. But it's fine. I finished my homework an hour ago. "Now let's go back to our rooms and feel the shame." 

"I know I do." Cody said. They all hung their heads. "Then I suggest you stay in your rooms. From now on you will not be allowed on the Sky Deck except for an hour a day." We all got upset. 

"That works for me cause now you'll have time to do the extra 50 pages of homework I plan to give you." 

"But you already gave us 50 pages." Zack pointed out. "Oh you're right! Make it another hundred!" Ms. T said. "Zack stop talking." I warned. Well, time to do the extra 50 pages. No point in complaining. 


Zack, London and I were in Zack's room, doing the extra homework. Well, I was, Zack and London were doing the other homework that they were supposed to be doing as well as the extra. 

"How long have we been doing our homework?" London whined. "About 30 seconds?" Zack answered. He was lying on his stomach on the bed and I was lying beside him. "I'm beat. I'm not used to focusing this long." She said, closing down her laptop. 

"You know that I've never met someone with a shorter attention span than me?" Zack asked. "Huh? Sorry I zoned out after 'I've never met someone." London said.

Zack got off the bad. "Too bad Ms. Tutweiler doesn't have a date. I mean if she had a boyfriend, maybe she'd make his life miserable and not ours." 

"Yeah, Moseby could use a girlfriend too. I mean, he hasn't had a date since....my allowance was only a thousand a week!" London said.

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Zack asked. "Is it dum tee dum tee dum?" London asked. 

"No." Zack answered. He put his arm around London and I. "We're gonna use that questionnaire thingy to set them each up with dates." 

"You convince Tutweiler to take the test, and Y/n and I will convince Moseby." 

"Oooh, you're evil. I like evil. Y/n keep him. I approve." London said, making me laugh.  Cody walked into the room then. "Did you hear your brother was evil?" London asked him. 

"Uh yeah. When I was two he short sheeted my crib." Cody said. London gasped and walked out of the room. "Zack, did you take my computer again?" He asked. "No, I borrowed it without asking." Zack answered. 

"Look, I need to check my email. I sent Bailey's dating questionnaire to myself and I'm about to find out what she likes." 

"I'm gonna guess. Not you." Zack said. "Ignoring. Now, let's see. Favorite flower; Iris, favorite tree; pine, and oh, that's interesting, she likes corn cob art. Folky." 

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