13. Maddie On Deck

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"Look! I made a welcome Maddie sign!" London said proudly. It had "LONDON TIPTON welcomes Maddie"; "London Tipton" being in big letter and "welcome maddie" in small. 

"Oh yeah, I guess I do see Maddie's name, if I squint hard enough." Cody said, looking closely at the sign. 

"Is Maddie here yet?" Zack asked, coming in. I walked over to him. "No." I shook my head. "And Zack, you smell different." Bailey pointed out. "Almost good." I smiled proudly at Zack. 

"Well, I haven't tried to impress many girls, only Y/n and she doesn't care about me smelling bad and since Maddie's coming, she was a good friend from the Tipton so I thought I should at least make the effort."

"Is that cologne? Aftershave?" I asked. "Soap. Who would have thought that stuff actually works?" Zack said in amazement. He took out a sandwich from his pocket and started eating it. 

"What is in that sandwich?" Cody asked, holding his nose. "Who knows. I just pulled it out of my underwear drawer." He said. Ok that's a little gross.

"You know, I'm surprised Maddie could afford a vacation like this. London's always telling me how tragically poor she is." Bailey said confused. 

"Well she saved up her babysitting money." Cody explained.

"And her candy counter tips." Zack added. "And the change from between her couch cushions and finally had enough money." Cody finished.

"For the bus ticket to the airport." Zack said. "So, I paid for her flight to meet us. Coach of course, I didn't want her to feel left out." London said. We then heard someone singing about Maddie coming and then looked over and Mr. Moseby was dancing excitedly but when he noticed us staring, his voice got quieter before he stopped. 

"What I was saying was I think I saw Madeline on the way onto the boat." Mr. Moseby saved himself. 

"Ooh I'm gonna take Maddie shopping right away." London said excitedly. "No you're not Y/n and I are gonna take her to dinner. I want her to meet Y/n." Zack said. "After I take her to the ship's planetarium." And they continued arguing. I didn't wanna stop it because it was hilarious.

Moseby and I stood back and watched them argue back and forth and then a blonde girl appeared beside us. "Why don't we give her a chance to relax and unpack!!!" Moesby asked, not noticing her there. "Unpack what? She can't afford luggage!" London argued. 

"Hey, are you Maddie?" I asked. She nodded. "Nice to meet you finally I'm Y/n." I said, shaking her hand. 

"Why don't we flip a coin? Who has a coin?" Bailey suggested, this had something to do with them flipping a coin to see who gets to hang out with Maddie first. "I do!!" Maddie said, holding one up and Moseby turned and took it from her, not noticing it was her. "Thank you Maddie" There was a pause. "MADDIE!!!" They all said, hugging her. 

She commented on Moseby's knee socks and then walked over to Cody. "Cody, no sweater vest?" "Oh, Maddie, that was the old Cody. You're looking at the new cool Cody." He said, hugging her but she said ow. "Sorry, that was my astronaut pen." He said, playing with it, making her laugh. "And you must be Bailey, London's roommate. Did she give you any space for your clothes?" She asked. "I just got upgraded from a nail to a hook." Bailey said.

"Hey Maddie, hug?" Zack said, opening his arms. "Give me a second." He said, running over to the hot tub and throwing up and coming back, opening his arms again. "I think I'll pass." She said. 

"For future reference, you probably shouldn't store food with underpants." Cody said to his brother. 


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