9. Flowers and Chocolate

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Zack and I walked to the ship's lobby and Cody was pacing back and forth. "Hey, is Bob here yet? After being stuck here with you I can't wait to have some real guy time." Zack said to his brother. 

"I'd respond to that insult, but I'm too busy worrying about how I'm going to break the news to Barbara." Cody said. "Right. Yeah. What news?" Zack asked. 

"About Bailey and me. That we're practically a couple." 

"That's not news! That's a fantasy!" Zack said. "Point is, Bob and Barbara are coming to Miami to visit us for Spring Break and I'm going to have to break Barbara's heart." Cody said, visibly stressed out. 

"No. You don't. Uh, how do I explain this? Okay, you don't step out of one canoe until you're firmly in another one. Preferably, a hotter canoe. Who's parents are out of town a lot."

"Look, even if I was ever willing to consider that, there's no way I can hide the heat between Bailey and me." Cody told him. 

"You two wouldn't have heat if you were in a sauna...that was on fire...in a volcano....on the sun." Zack said. Bailey walked up to us. "Well, I'm off to visit my cousin Cletus' gator farm." Bailey said. I was asked to go. But Zack and I have made a few plans for dates. It's the first time we'll be able to spend more time together properly without school or day trips getting in the way.

Zack jumped on a ginger guy when he walked in, who I assumed was Bob. "Sorry I think I got a little snot on your shirt." Zack said, when he pulled away. "Oh, this is Y/n." Zack said, pulling me over by my hand. "Hi, nice to meet you." I said, shaking Bob's hand. "You too. Are you his girlfriend?" He said. We shook our heads. "No, but we like each other and have started to go on dates when we can to see where it goes." Zack explained, I blushed, I still wasn't used to it. It felt so nice to hear. 

When Cody was finished talking to Barbara Zack and I walked back over to him. "Decided not to tell her huh? Good move." Zack said. "No I just have to find the right time to tell her. I mean she's obviously still in love with me." Cody said, looking over at Barbara and Bob, however my girl intuition says they're dating, because they stepped a little further from each other when they saw the boys looking at him. 


I was with Barbara and Bob. They are dating, I had a chance to talk to Barbara by myself. But Barbara hasn't 'broken' up with Cody yet. Zack came over. "Bob, why are you spending so much time with Barbara! This was supposed to be our time!" He said, a little upset. Aw. I rubbed his hand a bit. "Barbara why don't you go talk to Cody." Zack offered. 

"Yeah Barbara why don't you go talk to Cody." Bob said, clearly trying to drop the hint. So she did. Connie came over.

"Hey kids! Do you want to play a egg-cellent game?" She asked, holding up an egg, and put it in Zack's free hand. "Who's Perky Polly?" Bob asked. "That's Connie. Our activities director." I explained. 

"It's not activities director." Connie said, booping my nose, making me scrunch it up a little bit. "It's Chief of Funtertainment." She said, saluting. "Is that your official title?" Bob asked. 

"Yeah! Isn't it fantastic?!" She asked excitedly. We all looked at her weird. 

It was revealed and then Cody said he had a girlfriend. "Oh no, he's not gonna..." Zack said. "Her name is Bailey." 

"Yup. He did." I confirmed. 

Bailey then came back unexpected.  "This just got slightly more funtertaining." Zack said, laughing. 

 "Uncle Cletus drank swamp water. So now he's getting better and the alligators were given away." Bailey said sadly. Cody was a little shocked that she was back. 


We all decided to go to movie night. Much to Zack's disappointment. He said he'd rather remove his eyebrows with duct tape. "Zack this could be our first real date, if you want." I said, looking at him. "Well why didn't you say so!" He said, smiling, took my hand and we went down to the Sky Deck where they were showing a movie and then he was all for the idea. 

Zack and I sat down and waited for the movie. I didn't really like the movie either. It was too cliche or something. "Kill. Me. Now." Zack said. "I know this isn't ideal, but we need to do this so we can keep Cody's lie going." I said. "We'll have a proper date another time." I said, smiling. "I like the sound of that." He answered, putting his arm around me.

But Zack suddenly got really into it. "Guys shush. Neil got Natasha truffles and roses but those were Michelle's favourite." Then he realised we were all looking at him.

"Well I can't sleep with all the blabbing so I might as well watch." He argued, and I laughed. It was cute how invested he was with it. 

"Tell your girlfriend to keep it down!!" Barbara said. "Yeah, I think Neil is about to propose to Michelle." Zack said. "Girlfriend?" Bailey asked, standing up and looking at Cody, clearly angry. 

"No no no Natasha is the girlfriend. Neil's proposing to Michelle. The other woman." Zack explained. Bailey got really mad because she found out what Cody was up to.


I was on the Sky Deck when I saw Cody talking to Bailey. He handed her a bear. Awe. 

"Thanks. And by the way, if you'd wanted me to be your girlfriend, all you had to do was ask." She said. "Really?"

"Sure! I'd be happy to pretend." 

"Oh. Pretend. Right. Make believe. Fun." Cody said, awkwardly. 

"See cause if I'd been in on it, we could have made Barbara really jealous." Bailey said. "I could have done this." She said, tickling his side, making him giggle. Aw. Why can't they be together quicker? They're so cute!! 

"And this." She said, walking behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder. "I would't have pretended to like that." Cody said, his voice shaking. "And to top it off, I could have done this." She said, and kissed his cheek. "That would have fooled her." She said, pulling away and grabbing her bear and walked off. 

Cody just stood there, and started falling, and fell to the ground. 

Bob gave Zack an I'm Sorry bear too. "Thanks for the I'm Sorry bear Bob."

"It's just my way of saying that I feel bad that we never got to spend more time together."

"That's okay buddy. I understand. You know people grow apart. Find new interests." Bob wrapped his arm around Zack's shoulder. 

"We'll always have throwing water balloons from the top of the Tipton." Zack said. "That's right. Good times." Zack said. He started sniffling. "Tissue sir?" We looked over and Woody was dressed as a butler. I'm not even going to ask. 

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