2. Parrot Island

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"It's all my fault London left." Bailey said, distressed. "No its not, it's probably mine, I just let them make London share a room with you. I offered but let it go when they told me it was fine. But I should have tried harder." 

"No it's not. She hated a lot of things on this boat besides you two." Zack said, put his hands on our shoulders. He paused when we gave him a look. "That came out wrong." He said and I just laughed and shook my head. Cody came over with a smoothie. "Here Bailey, this will cheer you up, I ordered it just for you. It's a seaweed smoothie with a broccoli boost." Cody explained. That sounds gross. Zack thought so too. "We want her to cheer up, not throw up." He said, making me laugh. 

Suddenly the boat seemed to make an abrupt turn and we all stumbled, and I almost fell on Zack but he caught me, and Cody's smoothie flew out of his hands and onto Mr. Moseby. We all laughed. Cody looked and Bailey who was in stitches laughing and then back at Zack. "Told you my smoothie would cheer her up."


We were all in the lobby waiting to leave to go find London. Zack didn't follow us to the class. Where did he go? Even though we've been at school for an hour already. "Get used to that." Cody answered when Ms. Tutweiler realised that the whole class was there except for Zack. 

But Zack suddenly appeared beside Ms. Tutweiler and said "I'm here!" And she dropped her cards, because he gave her such a fright. "Sorry, I overslept." He explained. How? "Zack, we were in Biology class." I said. "Exactly." He answered.

"Anyway, this unscheduled stop to look for London on this tropical island presents us with a unique educational opportunity." Ms. Tutweiler said. 

"We're gonna learn how to surf!" Zack guessed excitedly. Woody also got excited. "It's hang ten." Cody corrected. "Not when you have 11 toes." Woody said. "You have six toes on one foot?" Zack asked.

"Nope, 8 and 3." We all took a step back from Woody, Cody and Bailey came over to our side. "I meant an opportunity to study the history of the island. Now Parrot Island was colonized-"

"By the British." Bailey finished. And it went on like that for a while, Cody and Bailey finishing her sentences. They were still doing it when we got on the island and she told them both to stop teaching her class, making them both apologise with guilty faces. 

We had to choose partners. Bailey and I hung together but Zack and Cody came over. Zack tugged my arm and Cody tugged Bailey's, pulling us apart. "Come on buddy." They both said to us. "Um guys.." I said, confused. "Guys stop, we're staying together." Bailey pointed out.

"Sorry," Zack said, putting a hand on my shoulder, and dragged Cody away to speak with him. I was scribbling on my notebook and Zack came up to me. "You are a great artist." "Um, thank you but I'm literally just trying to get my pen to work." I laughed a little at his blushing face. He was cute I had to admit. Very cute. 

Zack's POV

Y/n was really cute, any chance I had to talk to her I did, I mean it hasn't been much but I want to hang out with her she seems really cool.

 A small pig appeared later on and Bailey found a rope, attaching it to its neck, bringing it with her. She named him Porkers. Then we decided we should probably start looking for London. "Since it's partly our fault London left, I'll go look this way." I suggested. "Me too." Bailey said. Zack and Cody also said "me too" at the same time. Zack linked his arm with mine and Cody linked his arm with Bailey's. "Great, then we'll use the buddy system. Bailey, Woody and I will go this way and you guys go that way." I said and left with Bailey and Woody following. 

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