Fright Fight

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   Danny stared wideyed. He blinked and switched his gaze to Dash.

The jock scowled and brought his gun up, ready to shoot a hole in the ghost.

Danny quickly put his hand on the gun and shook his head at Dash.

"Fenton? What the hell are you doing here?"

Danny didn't offer an explanation. Leroy appeared next to him. He bristled at the ghost and growled. "You have to get out of here. It's too dangerous," Danny told Dash.

Dash could have laughed. "You think? And what are you gonna do? Call your mommy and daddy to beat him up?"

Danny huffed, unimpressed. "And you? You going to give him a wedgie?"

Dash growled and adjusted his grip. "Maybe I will." And he bounded forward.

Danny grabbed his arm and pulled him back out of the sarcophagus room. Sam and Tucker had appeared and the blue eyed boy pushed Dash towards them. "Get him to safety and out of sight."

Tucker nodded, understanding what the halfa meant.

Dash sat up from where he lay on the ground. "Wait just a second."

Tucker grabbed him and dragged him out but Dash yanked out of his grip. Sure, Tucker was strong but Dash was stronger. And he was mad.

"I'm not leaving. You're not getting rid of me, Fentidiot."


"Well well well. You have returned." Fright Knight stepped forward with a smirk. "And just in time to..."

"Will you shut it?!" Danny snapped. "We're trying to have a conversation here. Dash, get the fuck out of here."

Fright Knight growled and shot an ectoblast their way. Dash saw it comming and shot one to counter it. The two blasts hit each other and exploded.

Dash scwoled at the younger boy. "No." And charged.

Danny growled. Dash was so infuriating. He looked back at Tucker, Sam and Dora, who was just able to squish her body through the opening.

Sam saw his annoyed face and she put a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you should try to ask nicely."

Danny looked at her in shock.

She continued before he could argue. "You know Dash won't listen to shouting. Try and ask nicely, Danny."

Danny huffed. "I'll try."

She smiled and let go. Danny glanced at the ghost who was readying a blast for Dash. Leroy crouched, ready to go when Danny said the word.

"Let's go."

They nodded and ran in. Danny held the wrist wray he'd gotten from his parents and lifted it. It would be weird to fight without his powers but he'd done it before.

Danny shot Fright on the shoulder to take the attention away from Dash.

It worked.

"There you are. Finally come to fight me? It has been a long time, child."

Danny frowned. "Actually, it's been one year and a half. Where you been, tincan?"

Fright Knight smirked. "You can't beat me now. I am more powerful than ever."

Dash was shocked. The wimp knew the ghost? They weren't on best terms either. And why did Fenton want me out of the way? Did he think he could take the ghost alone?

Dash shook his head. The idiot was just trying to show off. I'll show him.

Dash shot again but something appeared on the corner of his eye. A huge dragon flew inside the room. Dash paled. What is this.

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